--- /dev/null
+Mathieu Desnoyers, June 2007
+Marker design
+Events are described in data structures in DECLARE_MARKER(), in the same file
+the marker is in, or exported and in a globally included header.
+When a new marker is encountered (module load, marker armed), an event_load
+event is traced in the facilities channel. If the marker refers to an already
+existing marker declaration, nothing changes, except that it must check that the
+types match.
+At trace start, we take the superset of the filtered in events and arm their
+markers. We trace an event load event for each armed marker encountered.
+Format string verification by GCC.
+Format string extensions (sequence, structs, arrays..)
+Field names.
+User space tracing
+Declare their own DECLARE_MARKER, use MARK() macros that refers to it. At module
+load, (to decide) either the kernel or the library walks on the markers sections
+and issues a marker_load system call. Facility namespacing prefix "user_" is
+used for userspace facilities.
+We have to deal with multiple registrations of the same event with different
+caracteristics but same name.
+Markers must be enabled by the kernel, if activated and tracing starts.
+Modify linker script to get section start and end in programs.
+Maybe DECLARE_MARKER is not necessary:
+Use LTTV dictionnary to add information about events.
+event and field description.
+<facility name="fac">
+<event name="event"> <description> assdfas </description> </event>
+<field name="field1"> <description> asdfasdf </description> </field>
+<field name="field2"> <enum>....</enum><description> asdfasdf </description> </field>
+Field names
+trace_mark(facility_event, "field1 %u field2 %p", asdf, asdf);
+Extract the field names from the format string.
+Check for format string equivalence before enabling a marker. Allow enabling
+markers with the same format string as the first one found, but warn about the
+others which do not match.
+Trace an event_load event for each enabled marker with non-NULL format string at
+trace start and when they are activated. Since we want to keep the same format
+string if module loads/unload/reload, and we cannot point into this module's
+memory, we reallocate the entry and copy the format string whenever the newly
+loaded module contains active markers and these markers have a NULL format
+When we enable a marker, if the marker has a non null format string, we trace a
+Default : cardinal field1, field2....
+Calling: ltt_trace
+callback[0]: ltt_serialize_data
+-- Add network byte ordering to types.
+-- Change format strings to use backward compatible types. (format check)
+Reserve 8 IDs for core events. Never allow wrapping over 65535 IDs during a
+trace : need compaction when no trace is active.
+Marker hash table points to a structure containing the marker's event ID (16
+bits). Assign event ID when a probe is registered.
+Compact channel. Use separate 8 bits event IDs for events going in the
+compact channel. Identified by registering probe with id type MARKER_ID_COMPACT.
+update probes (temp)
+-- Enabling a marker:
+-- give: state marker name, channel.
+/proc/markers: enable/disable name [channel]
+probe_data should provide, for ltt:
+id <-- will stay in marker because otherwise we would need another hash table.
+Q: field names in dictionnary or in marker ?