+ # Tools filtering tests
+ {
+ 'bin': "tools/filtering/unsupported-ops", 'daemon': True, 'kern': False,
+ 'name': "Filtering - Unsupported operators",
+ 'desc': "Test the failure of filter with unsupported operators",
+ 'success': 0, 'enabled': True
+ },
+ {
+ 'bin': "tools/filtering/invalid-filters", 'daemon': True, 'kern': False,
+ 'name': "Filtering - Invalid filters",
+ 'desc': "Test the failure of invalid filters",
+ 'success': 0, 'enabled': True
+ },
+ {
+ 'bin': "tools/filtering/valid-filters", 'daemon': True, 'kern': False,
+ 'name': "Filtering - Valid filters",
+ 'desc': "Validate the expected trace output of valid filters",
+ 'success': 0, 'enabled': True
+ },
+ # Tools health check tests
+ {
+ 'bin': "tools/health/health_thread_exit", 'daemon': "test", 'kern': True,
+ 'name': "Health check - Thread exit",
+ 'desc': "Call exit in the various lttng-sessiond threads and ensure that health failure is detected",
+ 'success': 0, 'enabled': True
+ },
+ {
+ 'bin': "tools/health/health_thread_stall", 'daemon': "test", 'kern': True,
+ 'name': "Health check - Thread stall",
+ 'desc': "Stall the various lttng-sessiond threads and ensure that health failure is detected",
+ 'success': 0, 'enabled': True
+ },
+ {
+ 'bin': "tools/health/health_tp_fail", 'daemon': "test", 'kern': True,
+ 'name': "Health check - Testpoint failure",
+ 'desc': "Trigger a failure in the testpoint mechanism in each thread to provoke thread teardown",
+ 'success': 0, 'enabled': True
+ },
+ # Tools streaming tests
+ {
+ 'bin': "tools/streaming/run-kernel", 'daemon': True, 'kern': True,
+ 'name': "Streaming - Kernel tracing",
+ 'desc': "Stream a kernel trace across the network",
+ 'success': 0, 'enabled': True
+ },
+ {
+ 'bin': "tools/streaming/run-ust", 'daemon': True, 'kern': False,
+ 'name': "Streaming - Userspace tracing",
+ 'desc': "Stream a userspace trace across the network",
+ 'success': 0, 'enabled': True
+ },
+ {
+ 'bin': "tools/streaming/uri_switch", 'daemon': True, 'kern': False,
+ 'name': "Streaming - URI switching",
+ 'desc': "Switch URI and verify that the trace result are in the proper location",
+ 'success': 0, 'enabled': True
+ },
+ {
+ 'bin': "tools/streaming/high_throughput_limits", 'daemon': True, 'kern': True,
+ 'name': "Streaming - High throughput with bandwith limits",
+ 'desc': "Trace streaming with bandwidth limits",
+ 'success': 0, 'enabled': True
+ },