#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) 2013 Christian Babeux # Copyright (C) 2020 Jérémie Galarneau # # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only TEST_DESC="Tracefile count limits" CURDIR=$(dirname "$0")/ TESTDIR=$CURDIR/../../.. BT2_PLUGINS_DIR="${TESTDIR}/utils/bt2_plugins" TESTAPP_PATH="$TESTDIR/utils/testapp" TESTAPP_NAME="gen-ust-events" TESTAPP_BIN="$TESTAPP_PATH/$TESTAPP_NAME/$TESTAPP_NAME" NUM_TESTS=74 PAGE_SIZE=$(getconf PAGE_SIZE) TRACEFILE_SIZE=$PAGE_SIZE source "$TESTDIR"/utils/utils.sh if [ ! -x "$TESTAPP_BIN" ]; then BAIL_OUT "No UST events binary detected." fi function pick_random_cpuid () { local cpuids read -r -a cpuids <<< "$(get_online_cpus)" echo "${cpuids[ $RANDOM % ${#cpuids[@]} ]}" } function enable_lttng_channel_count_limit () { sess_name="$1" channel_name="$2" tracefile_count_limit="$3" test_name="Enable channel \`$channel_name\` " test_name+="for session \`$sess_name\`: " test_name+="$tracefile_count_limit tracefiles" "$TESTDIR"/../src/bin/lttng/"$LTTNG_BIN" enable-channel \ -u "$channel_name" -s "$sess_name" \ --subbuf-size "$PAGE_SIZE" \ --tracefile-size "$TRACEFILE_SIZE" \ --tracefile-count "$tracefile_count_limit" >/dev/null 2>&1 ok $? "$test_name" } function validate_min_max () { stats="$1" field="$2" expected_min="$3" expected_max="$4" echo $stats | grep -q -E "$field $expected_min $expected_max" return $? } function get_total_stream_file_size () { local trace_path="$1" local stream_name_pattern="$2" local size size=$(find "$trace_path" -type f -regex "$stream_name_pattern" -exec du -b -c {} + | tail -n1 | cut -f 1) echo "$size" } function get_stream_file_count () { local trace_path="$1" local stream_name_pattern="$2" local count count=$(find "$trace_path" -type f -regex "$stream_name_pattern" | wc -l) echo "$count" } function test_tracefile_count_limit () { local count_limit="$1" local channel_name="channel" local cpuno=$(pick_random_cpuid) local event_name="tp:tptest" local expected_size=$((count_limit * TRACEFILE_SIZE)) local num_iter=100000 local previous_stream_size=-1 local session_name local stream_pattern=".*${channel_name}_${cpuno}_[0-9]*" local stream_size=0 local trace_path=$(mktemp -d -t "tmp.${FUNCNAME[0]}_trace_path.XXXXXX") session_name=$(randstring 16 0) diag "Test tracefile count limit : CPU $cpuno, $count_limit tracefiles, expecting a maximum of $expected_size bytes per CPU" create_lttng_session_ok "$session_name" "$trace_path" enable_lttng_channel_count_limit \ "$session_name" "$channel_name" "$count_limit" enable_ust_lttng_event_ok \ "$session_name" "$event_name" "$channel_name" # Run the test app until the total stream size stops changing the # expected size is exceeded (error). # # The `$stream_size` will not stabilize until the trace file count # limit is reached. This is guaranteed by the use of start/produce/stop # cycles forcing the consumption of buffers, preventing unwanted stall # in stream size. while [ "$stream_size" -ne "$previous_stream_size" ]; do start_lttng_tracing_notap "$session_name" taskset -c "$cpuno" "$TESTAPP_BIN" -i "$num_iter" >/dev/null 2>&1 stop_lttng_tracing_notap "$session_name" previous_stream_size="$stream_size" stream_size=$(get_total_stream_file_size "$trace_path" "$stream_pattern") diag "Completed an iteration: previous size = $previous_stream_size bytes, new size = $stream_size bytes" if [ "$stream_size" -gt "$expected_size" ]; then diag "Total size for CPU $cpuno exceeds expected size: stream size = $stream_size bytes, expected size = $expected_size" break fi done destroy_lttng_session_ok "$session_name" [ "$expected_size" -eq "$stream_size" ] ok $? "Total stream size of CPU $cpuno is $expected_size" [ "$(get_stream_file_count "$trace_path" "$stream_pattern")" -eq "$count_limit" ] ok $? "Stream meets the trace file limit of $count_limit" stats=$("_run_babeltrace_cmd" --plugin-path "${BT2_PLUGINS_DIR}" convert $trace_path -c filter.lttngtest.event_name -p "names=[\"${event_name}\"]" -c sink.lttngtest.field_stats) validate_min_max "$stats" "intfield" "[0-9]+" "$expected_max" ok $? "Trace validation - intfield" validate_min_max "$stats" "netintfield" "[0-9]+" "$expected_max" ok $? "Trace validation - netintfield" validate_min_max "$stats" "longfield" "[0-9]+" "$expected_max" ok $? "Trace validation - longfield" rm -rf "$trace_path" } LIMITS=("1" "2" "4" "8" "10" "16" "32" "64") plan_tests $NUM_TESTS print_test_banner "$TEST_DESC" bail_out_if_no_babeltrace start_lttng_sessiond for limit in "${LIMITS[@]}"; do test_tracefile_count_limit "$limit" done stop_lttng_sessiond