#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) - 2012 Christian Babeux # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 only, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 # Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. TEST_DESC="Filtering - Invalid filters" CURDIR=$(dirname $0)/ TESTDIR=$CURDIR/../../.. LTTNG_BIN="lttng" SESSION_NAME="filter-invalid" EVENT_NAME="bogus" ENABLE_EVENT_STDERR="/tmp/invalid-filters-stderr" TRACE_PATH=$(mktemp -d) NUM_GLOBAL_TESTS=2 NUM_UST_TESTS=144 NUM_KERNEL_TESTS=144 NUM_TESTS=$(($NUM_UST_TESTS+$NUM_KERNEL_TESTS+$NUM_GLOBAL_TESTS)) source $TESTDIR/utils/utils.sh function enable_lttng_event_filter { domain="$1" sess_name="$2" event_name="$3" filter="$4" $TESTDIR/../src/bin/lttng/$LTTNG_BIN enable-event $event_name -s $sess_name \ $domain --filter "$filter" 2> $ENABLE_EVENT_STDERR 1> /dev/null # Enable must fail if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then fail "Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter" return 1 else pass "Enable lttng event with filtering and invalid filter" return 0 fi } function test_invalid_filter { domain="$1" test_invalid_filter="$2" diag "Test filter expression with invalid filter" diag "Filter: $test_invalid_filter" # Create session create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH # Apply filter enable_lttng_event_filter $domain $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME "$test_invalid_filter" # Destroy session destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME } function test_bytecode_limit { domain="$1" # Current bytecode limitation is 65536 bytes long. # Generate a huge bytecode with some perl-fu BYTECODE_LIMIT=`perl -e 'print "intfield" . " && 1" x5460'` diag "Test filter bytecode limits (64KiB)" # Create session create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH # Apply filter enable_lttng_event_filter $domain $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME "$BYTECODE_LIMIT" # Destroy session destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME } plan_tests $NUM_TESTS print_test_banner "$TEST_DESC" OLDIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' INVALID_FILTERS=( # Unsupported ops "intfield*1" "intfield/1" "intfield+1" "intfield-1" "intfield>>1" "intfield<<1" "intfield&1" "intfield|1" "intfield^1" "~intfield" "1+11111-3333+1" "(1+2)*(55*666)" "1+2*55*666" "asdf + 1 > 1" "asdfas < 2332 || asdf + 1 > 1" "!+-+++-------+++++++++++-----!!--!44+1" "aaa||(gg)+(333----1)" "1+1" # Unmatched parenthesis "((((((((((((((intfield)))))))))))))" '0 || ("abc" != "def")) && (3 < 4)' # Field dereference "a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a" "a->" "a-->a" "a->a" "a.b.c->d.e.f+1" "!a.f.d" "asdf.asdfsd.sadf < 4" "asdfasdf->asdfasdf < 2" # String can\'t be root node "\"somestring\"" # Unary op on string not allowed "!\"somestring\"" # Comparison with string type not allowed "\"somestring\" > 42" "\"somestring\" > 42.0" "42 > \"somestring\"" "42.0 > \"somestring\"" # Logical operator with string type not allowed "\"somestring\" || 1" "1 || \"somestring\"" # Nesting of binary operator not allowed "1 | (1 | (1 | 1))" "1 > (1 > (1 > 1))" # Exactly one chaining level under \$ctx allowed "\$ctx.vtid.blah == 0" "0 == \$ctx.vtid.blah" "\$ctx.44 == 0" "0 == \$ctx.44" "\$ctx == 0" "0 == \$ctx" # Only \$ctx is supported for now "\$global.value == 0" "0 == \$global.value" # A wildcard should only appear as the last character in a string literal "msg == \"my_event*_blah\"" ) IFS="$OLDIFS" start_lttng_sessiond diag "Test UST filters" i=0 while [ "$i" -lt "${#INVALID_FILTERS[@]}" ]; do echo "${INVALID_FILTERS[$i]}" test_invalid_filter -u "${INVALID_FILTERS[$i]}" let "i++" done test_bytecode_limit -u if [ "$(id -u)" == "0" ]; then isroot=1 else isroot=0 fi skip $isroot "Root access is needed. Skipping all kernel invalid filter tests." $NUM_KERNEL_TESTS || { diag "Test kernel filters" i=0 while [ "$i" -lt "${#INVALID_FILTERS[@]}" ]; do echo "${INVALID_FILTERS[$i]}" test_invalid_filter -k "${INVALID_FILTERS[$i]}" let "i++" done test_bytecode_limit -k } stop_lttng_sessiond rm -f $ENABLE_EVENT_STDERR rm -rf $TRACE_PATH