/** * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 - Michael Jeanson * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import hudson.model.* import hudson.AbortException import hudson.console.HyperlinkNote import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref class InvalidkVersionException extends Exception { public InvalidkVersionException(String message) { super(message) } } class EmptykVersionException extends Exception { public EmptykVersionException(String message) { super(message) } } class kVersion implements Comparable { Integer major = 0; Integer majorB = 0; Integer minor = 0; Integer patch = 0; Integer rc = Integer.MAX_VALUE; kVersion() {} kVersion(version) { this.parse(version) } def parse(version) { this.major = 0 this.majorB = 0 this.minor = 0 this.patch = 0 this.rc = Integer.MAX_VALUE if (!version) { throw new EmptykVersionException("Empty kernel version") } def match = version =~ /^v(\d+)\.(\d+)(\.(\d+))?(\.(\d+))?(-rc(\d+))?$/ if (!match) { throw new InvalidkVersionException("Invalid kernel version: ${version}") } Integer offset = 0; // Major this.major = Integer.parseInt(match.group(1)) if (this.major <= 2) { offset = 2 this.majorB = Integer.parseInt(match.group(2)) } // Minor if (match.group(2 + offset) != null) { this.minor = Integer.parseInt(match.group(2 + offset)) } // Patch level if (match.group(4 + offset) != null) { this.patch = Integer.parseInt(match.group(4 + offset)) } // RC if (match.group(8) != null) { this.rc = Integer.parseInt(match.group(8)) } } // Return true if this version is a release candidate Boolean isRC() { return this.rc != Integer.MAX_VALUE } // Return true if both version are of the same stable branch Boolean isSameStable(kVersion o) { if (this.major != o.major) { return false } if (this.majorB != o.majorB) { return false } if (this.minor != o.minor) { return false } return true } @Override int compareTo(kVersion o) { if (this.major != o.major) { return Integer.compare(this.major, o.major) } if (this.majorB != o.majorB) { return Integer.compare(this.majorB, o.majorB) } if (this.minor != o.minor) { return Integer.compare(this.minor, o.minor) } if (this.patch != o.patch) { return Integer.compare(this.patch, o.patch) } if (this.rc != o.rc) { return Integer.compare(this.rc, o.rc) } // Same version return 0; } String toString() { String vString = "v${this.major}" if (this.majorB > 0) { vString = vString.concat(".${this.majorB}") } vString = vString.concat(".${this.minor}") if (this.patch > 0) { vString = vString.concat(".${this.patch}") } if (this.rc > 0 && this.rc < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { vString = vString.concat("-rc${this.rc}") } return vString } } // Retrieve parameters of the current build def mversion = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve('mversion') def maxConcurrentBuild = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve('maxConcurrentBuild') def kgitrepo = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve('kgitrepo') def kverfloor_raw = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve('kverfloor') def kverceil_raw = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve('kverceil') def kverfilter = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve('kverfilter') def job = Hudson.instance.getJob(build.buildVariableResolver.resolve('kbuildjob')) def currentJobName = build.project.getFullDisplayName() // Parse kernel versions def kverfloor = new kVersion(kverfloor_raw) def kverceil = "" try { kverceil = new kVersion(kverceil_raw) } catch (EmptykVersionException e) { kverceil = new kVersion("v" + Integer.MAX_VALUE + ".0.0") } // Get the out variable def config = new HashMap() def bindings = getBinding() config.putAll(bindings.getVariables()) def out = config['out'] // Get tags from git repository def refs = Git.lsRemoteRepository().setTags(true).setRemote(kgitrepo).call(); // Get kernel versions to build def kversions = [] def kversionsRC = [] for (ref in refs) { def match = ref.getName() =~ /^refs\/tags\/(v[\d\.]+(-rc(\d+))?)$/ if (match) { def v = new kVersion(match.group(1)) if ((v >= kverfloor) && (v < kverceil)) { if (v.isRC()) { kversionsRC.add(v) } else { kversions.add(v) } } } } kversions.sort() kversionsRC.sort() switch (kverfilter) { case 'stable-head': // Keep only the head of each stable branch println('Filter kernel versions to keep only the latest point release of each stable branch.') for (i = 0; i < kversions.size(); i++) { def curr = kversions[i] def next = i < kversions.size() - 1 ? kversions[i + 1] : null if (next != null) { if (curr.isSameStable(next)) { kversions.remove(i) i-- } } } break default: // No filtering of kernel versions println('No kernel versions filtering selected.') break } // If the last RC version is newer than the last stable, add it to the build list if (kversionsRC.last() > kversions.last()) { kversions.add(kversionsRC.last()) } // Debug println "Building the following kernel versions:" for (k in kversions) { println k } // Debug: Stop build here //throw new InterruptedException() def joburl = HyperlinkNote.encodeTo('/' + job.url, job.fullDisplayName) def allBuilds = [] def ongoingBuild = [] def failedRuns = [] def isFailed = false def similarJobQueued = 0; // Loop while we have kernel versions remaining or jobs running while ( kversions.size() != 0 || ongoingBuild.size() != 0 ) { if(ongoingBuild.size() < maxConcurrentBuild.toInteger() && kversions.size() != 0) { def kversion = kversions.pop() def job_params = [ new StringParameterValue('mversion', mversion), new StringParameterValue('kversion', kversion.toString()), new StringParameterValue('kgitrepo', kgitrepo), ] // Launch the parametrized build def param_build = job.scheduleBuild2(0, new Cause.UpstreamCause(build), new ParametersAction(job_params)) println "triggering ${joburl} for the ${mversion} branch on kernel ${kversion}" // Add it to the ongoing build queue ongoingBuild.push(param_build) } else { println "Waiting... Queued: " + kversions.size() + " Running: " + ongoingBuild.size() try { Thread.sleep(5000) } catch(e) { if (e in InterruptedException) { build.setResult(hudson.model.Result.ABORTED) throw new InterruptedException() } else { throw(e) } } // If a newer instance of this job is queued, abort to let it run similarJobQueued = Hudson.instance.queue.items.count{it.task.getFullDisplayName() == currentJobName} if ( similarJobQueued > 0 ) { // Abort since new build is queued build.setResult(hudson.model.Result.ABORTED) throw new InterruptedException() } def i = ongoingBuild.iterator() while ( i.hasNext() ) { currentBuild = i.next() if ( currentBuild.isCancelled() || currentBuild.isDone() ) { // Remove from queue i.remove() // Print results def matrixParent = currentBuild.get() allBuilds.add(matrixParent) def kernelStr = matrixParent.buildVariableResolver.resolve("kversion") println "${matrixParent.fullDisplayName} (${kernelStr}) completed with status ${matrixParent.result}" // Process child runs of matrixBuild def childRuns = matrixParent.getRuns() for ( childRun in childRuns ) { println "\t${childRun.fullDisplayName} (${kernelStr}) completed with status ${childRun.result}" if (childRun.result != Result.SUCCESS) { failedRuns.add(childRun) isFailed = true } } } } } } // Get log of failed runs for (failedRun in failedRuns) { println "---START---" failedRun.writeWholeLogTo(out) println "---END---" } println "---Build report---" for (b in allBuilds) { def kernelStr = b.buildVariableResolver.resolve("kversion") println "${b.fullDisplayName} (${kernelStr}) completed with status ${b.result}" // Cleanup builds try { b.delete() } catch (all) {} } // Mark this build failed if any child build has failed if (isFailed) { build.getExecutor().interrupt(Result.FAILURE) } // EOF