#!groovy {% set test_job_name = 'integration_lttng-tools-32-64_test' %} pipeline { agent none /* Global options for the pipeline */ options { preserveStashes() buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '5')) disableConcurrentBuilds() timestamps() skipDefaultCheckout() } triggers { pollSCM('@hourly') } parameters { string(name: 'LTTNG_TOOLS_GIT_REPO', defaultValue: 'https://github.com/lttng/lttng-tools', description: 'The http git repo to be cloned for the lttng-tools project') string(name: 'LTTNG_TOOLS_GIT_BRANCH', defaultValue: '{{ version }}', description: 'The {{ version }} equivalent branch to be checkout-ed') } stages { /* * i386 artefact cannot be reused for 2 reason. * The first one is that the amd64 and i386 node do not run the same distro and libc version. * The second, is that we need to ensure that the lttng-ust used * is the same for the amd64 and i386 and that for now we do not * have this guarantee since we used 2 different jobs */ stage('Checkout all sources') { agent { label 'bionic-amd64' } steps { dir("src/userspace-rcu") { checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '{{ urcu_version }}']], extensions: [], gitTool: 'Default', userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'https://github.com/urcu/userspace-rcu']]]) } dir("src/lttng-modules") { checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '{{ version }}']], extensions: [], gitTool: 'Default', userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'https://github.com/lttng/lttng-modules']]]) } dir("src/lttng-ust") { checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '{{ version }}']], extensions: [], gitTool: 'Default', userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'https://github.com/lttng/lttng-ust']]]) } dir("src/lttng-tools") { checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: "${params.LTTNG_TOOLS_GIT_BRANCH}"]], extensions: [], gitTool: 'Default', userRemoteConfigs: [[url: "${params.LTTNG_TOOLS_GIT_REPO}"]]]) } stash name: 'dep-sources', includes: 'src/userspace-rcu/**,src/lttng-ust/**' stash name: 'modules-sources', includes: 'src/lttng-modules/**' stash name: 'tools-sources', includes: 'src/lttng-tools/**,' } } stage('Build') { parallel { stage('Build amd64 deps') { agent { label 'bionic-amd64' } stages { stage('Clean workspace') { steps { cleanWs() } } stage('Build') { environment { BASEDIR_64 = "$WORKSPACE/deps-64" BASEDIR_BUILD_64 = "$BASEDIR_64/build" INCLUDE_DIR_64 = "$BASEDIR_BUILD_64/include" CPPFLAGS = "-I$INCLUDE_DIR_64" LDFLAGS = "-L$BASEDIR_BUILD_64/lib" PKG_CONFIG_PATH = "$BASEDIR_BUILD_64/lib/pkgconfig" LD_LIBRARY_PATH ="$BASEDIR_BUILD_64/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" PATH ="$PATH:$BASEDIR_64/bin" PREFIX = "/build" JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/default-java" CLASSPATH="/usr/share/java/log4j-api.jar:/usr/share/java/log4j-core.jar:/usr/share/java/log4j-1.2.jar" PYTHON3="python3" PYTHON_CONFIG="python3-config" CXXFLAGS="-g -O0" CFLAGS="-g -O0" } steps { unstash name: 'dep-sources' /* Prevent non existent include dir warnings */ sh 'mkdir -p $INCLUDE_DIR_64' dir("src/userspace-rcu") { sh ''' ./bootstrap ./configure --prefix="$PREFIX" make -j"$(nproc)" V=1 make install DESTDIR="$WORKSPACE" ''' sh ''' find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.so" -exec chrpath --delete {} \\; find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.la" -exec rm -vf {} \\; ''' } /* Move the artifact of the recently build project to the deps file and remove the "build" directory to prevent `make install` shenanigans for lttng-ust 2.12 */ sh ''' cp -rv build/ $BASEDIR_64 rm -rv build/ ''' dir("src/lttng-ust") { sh ''' ./bootstrap ./configure --prefix="$PREFIX" --enable-java-agent-all --enable-jni-interface --enable-python-agent make -j"$(nproc)" V=1 make install DESTDIR="$WORKSPACE" ''' sh ''' find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.so" -exec chrpath --delete {} \\; find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.la" -exec rm -vf {} \\; ''' } /* Move the artifact of the recently build project to the deps file and remove the "build" directory to prevent `make install` shenanigans for lttng-ust 2.12 */ sh ''' cp -rv build/ $BASEDIR_64 rm -rv build/ ''' stash name: "amd64-deps-lttng-tools", includes: 'deps-64/**' } } } } stage('Build i386, including lttng-tools') { agent { label 'bionic-i386' } stages { stage('Clean workspace') { steps { cleanWs() } } stage('Build') { environment { BASEDIR_32 = "$WORKSPACE/deps-32" BASEDIR_BUILD_32 = "$BASEDIR_32/build" INCLUDE_DIR_32 = "$BASEDIR_BUILD_32/include" CPPFLAGS = "-I$INCLUDE_DIR_32" LDFLAGS = "-L$BASEDIR_BUILD_32/lib" PKG_CONFIG_PATH = "$BASEDIR_BUILD_32/lib/pkgconfig" LD_LIBRARY_PATH ="$BASEDIR_BUILD_32/lib" PATH ="$PATH:$BASEDIR_32/bin" PREFIX = "/build" CXXFLAGS="-g -O0" CFLAGS="-g -O0" } steps { unstash name: 'dep-sources' unstash name: 'tools-sources' /* Prevent non existent include dir warnings */ sh 'mkdir -p $INCLUDE_DIR_32' dir("src/userspace-rcu") { sh ''' ./bootstrap ./configure --prefix="$PREFIX" make -j"$(nproc)" V=1 make install DESTDIR="$WORKSPACE" ''' sh ''' find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.so" -exec chrpath --delete {} \\; find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.la" -exec rm -vf {} \\; ''' } /* Move the artifact of the recently build project to the deps file and remove the "build" directory to prevent `make install` shenanigans for lttng-ust 2.12 */ sh ''' cp -rv build/ $BASEDIR_32 rm -rv build/ ''' dir("src/lttng-ust") { sh ''' ./bootstrap ./configure --prefix="$PREFIX" make V=1 make install DESTDIR="$WORKSPACE" ''' sh ''' find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.so" -exec chrpath --delete {} \\; find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.la" -exec rm -vf {} \\; ''' } /* Move the artifact of the recently build project to the deps file and remove the "build" directory to prevent `make install` shenanigans for lttng-ust 2.12 */ sh ''' cp -rv build/ $BASEDIR_32 rm -rv build/ ''' dir("src/lttng-tools") { sh ''' ./bootstrap ./configure --prefix="$PREFIX" make V=1 make install DESTDIR="$WORKSPACE" ''' sh ''' find "$WORKSPACE/build/bin" -type f -perm -0500 -exec chrpath --delete {} \\; find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.so" -exec chrpath --delete {} \\; find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.la" -exec rm -vf {} \\; ''' } /* Move the artifact of the recently build project to the deps file and remove the "build" directory to prevent `make install` shenanigans for lttng-ust 2.12 */ sh ''' cp -rv build/ $BASEDIR_32 rm -rv build/ ''' stash name: "i386-deps-lttng-tools", includes: 'deps-32/**' {% if version != 'stable-2.12' %} /* Save the i386 ld_preloaded libraries for sessiond pausing */ stash name: "i386-deps-sessiond-notification-pause-lib", includes: 'src/lttng-tools/tests/regression/tools/notification/.libs/libpause_sessiond.so' {% endif %} } } } } } } stage('Object store') { agent { label 'bionic-amd64' } environment { S3_PREFIX = "s3://jenkins/32-64-bit-integration" } steps { cleanWs() dir('tar/sources') { unstash name: "modules-sources" unstash name: "tools-sources" } dir('tar/deps') { unstash name: "i386-deps-lttng-tools" unstash name: "amd64-deps-lttng-tools" } dir('tar/testing-overlay/sessiond') { {% if version == 'stable-2.12' %} sh ''' echo "No testing overlay" > testing_overlay.txt ''' {% else %} unstash name: "i386-deps-sessiond-notification-pause-lib" {% endif %} } dir('tar') { sh ''' echo $(pwd) ls -lah ./ tar -cf "$WORKSPACE/$BUILD_TAG.tar.bz2" -I pbzip2 . ''' } sh ''' echo "# Setup endpoint host_base = obj.internal.efficios.com host_bucket = obj.internal.efficios.com bucket_location = us-east-1 use_https = True # Setup access keys access_key = jenkins secret_key = echo123456 # Enable S3 v4 signature APIs signature_v2 = False" > "$WORKSPACE/.s3cfg" s3cmd -c "$WORKSPACE/.s3cfg" put "$WORKSPACE/$BUILD_TAG.tar.bz2" "$S3_PREFIX/" ''' } } stage('Testing') { parallel { stage('canary') { agent none steps { build job: '{{ test_job_name }}', parameters: [string(name: 'ARTIFACT_ID', value: "${BUILD_TAG}.tar.bz2"), string(name: 'TEST_TYPE', value: 'canary'), string(name: 'BT_VERSION', value: "{{ babelversion }}")] } } stage('CLI 32-bit') { agent none steps { build job: '{{ test_job_name }}', parameters: [string(name: 'ARTIFACT_ID', value: "${BUILD_TAG}.tar.bz2"), string(name: 'TEST_TYPE', value: '32bit-cli'), string(name: 'BT_VERSION', value: "{{ babelversion }}")] } } stage('sessiond 32-bit') { agent none steps { build job: '{{ test_job_name }}', parameters: [string(name: 'ARTIFACT_ID', value: "${BUILD_TAG}.tar.bz2"), string(name: 'TEST_TYPE', value: '32bit-sessiond'), string(name: 'BT_VERSION', value: "{{ babelversion }}")] } } stage('relayd 32-bit') { agent none steps { build job: '{{ test_job_name }}', parameters: [string(name: 'ARTIFACT_ID', value: "${BUILD_TAG}.tar.bz2"), string(name: 'TEST_TYPE', value: '32bit-relayd'), string(name: 'BT_VERSION', value: "{{ babelversion }}")] } } } } } }