2.3. Installing LTT trace recording daemon

In order to install the LTT trace recording daemon, you should get the latest TraceToolkit (or ltt) package from the LTT ftp site. Use the link "Official Linux Trace Toolkit Packages" on the ltt.polymtl.ca webpage to access it. As of November 30, 2004, the most recent version is 0.9.6-pre3.

Then, you should apply the TraceToolkit patches from the LTTV website related to the package version. Get them from the "Patches for the Official LTT" section.

You are now ready to install the daemon in your system. Please refer to the documentation in the package for details.

You may now use the following command to record a sample 30 seconds trace in your current directory. Command line switches are described on the official LTT website.

#tracedaemon -ts30 sample.out sample.proc (as root) userinput>