Chapter 2. Getting started

2.1. Installing LTTV

First, you must download the latests version of LTTV. You should get it from this site : I suggest that you get it from the "Packages" section.

You need a recent gcc compiler to compile the project. You might want to use gcc 3.2 or newer. You will also need some libraries in order to compile it. They are described in the README of the LTTV package. These are GTK 2.0, GLIB 2.0, "popt" and Pango 1.0. Install them if they are not on your system. Remember that if you use a package manager from you favourite Linux distribution, you will need to specifically install the librairies'development packages.

Then, you are ready to compile LTTV. Extract and untar the file you previously downloaded :

$ tar -xvzof LinuxTraceToolkitViewer-x.x-dddddddd.tar.bz2

Then, go to the directory newly created, and type :

$ ./configure
$ make
# make install (as root)

At this point, LTTV is installed in the default directory. You may find the lttv executable in /usr/local/bin and the librairies in /usr/local/lib. You will also notice the presence of the convert executable in /usr/local/bin. This tool will be used later to convert from the Linux Trace Toolkit trace format to the LTTV format.

You are now ready to go to the next step : installing the LTT kernel tracer.