The new LTT trace format

A trace is contained in a directory tree. To send a trace remotely, the directory tree may be tar-gzipped. Trace foo, placed in the home directory of user john, /home/john, would have the following content:

$ cd /home/john
$ tree foo
|-- eventdefs
|   |-- core.xml
|   |-- net.xml
|   |-- ipv4.xml
|   `-- ide.xml
|-- info
|   |-- bookmarks.xml
|   `-- system.xml
|-- control
|   |-- facilities
|   |-- interrupts
|   `-- processes
`-- cpu
    |-- 0
    |-- 1
    |-- 2
    `-- 3

The eventdefs directory contains the events descriptions for all the facilities used. The syntax is a simple subset of XML; XML is widely known and easily parsed or hand edited. Each file contains one or more ... elements. Indeed, several facilities may have the same name but different content (and thus will generate a different checksum), typically when the event descriptions for a given facility change from one version to the next, if a module is recompiled and reloaded during a trace.

A small number of events are predefined, part of the "builtin" facility, and are not present there. These "builtin" events include "facility_load", "block_start", "block_end" and "time_heartbeat".

The cpu directory contains a tracefile for each cpu, numbered from 0, in .trace format. A uniprocessor thus only contains the file cpu/0. A multi-processor with some unused (possibly hotplug) CPU slots may have some unused CPU numbers. For instance a 8 way SMP board with 6 CPUs randomly installed may produce tracefiles named 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7.

The files in the control directory also follow the .trace format. The "facilities" file only contains "builtin" facility_load events and is used to determine the facilities used and the code range assigned to each facility. The other control files contain the initial system state and various subsequent important events, for example process creations and exit. The interest of placing such subsequent events in control trace files instead of (or in addition to) in the per cpu trace files is that they may be accessed more quickly/conveniently and that they may be kept even when the per cpu files are overwritten in "flight recorder mode".

The info directory contains in system.xml a description of the system on which the trace was created as well as different user annotations in bookmark.xml. This directory may also contain various information about the trace, generated during trace analysis (statistics, index...).

Trace format

Each tracefile is divided into equal size blocks with an uint32 at the block end giving the offset to the last event in the block. Events are packed sequentially in the block starting at offset 0 with a "block_start" event and ending, at the offset stored in the last 4 bytes of the block, with a block_end event. Both the block_start and block_end events contain the kernel timestamp (timespec binary structure, uint32 seconds, uint32 nanoseconds), the cycle counter (uint64 cycles), and the buffer id (uint64).

Each event consists in an event type id (uint16 which is the event type id within the facility + the facility base id), a time delta (uint32 in cycles or nanoseconds, depending on configuration, since the last time value, in the block header or in a "time_heartbeat" event) and the event type specific data. All values are packed in native byte order binary format.

System description

The system type description, in system.xml, looks like:

 kernel_version="#1 SMP Sun Apr 14 12:07:19 EST 2002"
Some comments about the system

The system attributes kernel_name, node_name, kernel_release, kernel_version, machine, processor, hardware_platform and operating_system come from the uname(1) program. The domainname attribute is obtained from the "hostname --domain" command. The arch_size attribute is one of LP32, ILP32, LP64 or ILP64 and specifies the length in bits of integers (I), long (L) and pointers (P). The endian attribute is "little" or "big". While the arch_size and endian attributes could be deduced from the platform type, having these explicit allows analysing traces from yet unknown platforms. The cpu attribute specifies the maximum number of processors in the system; only tracefiles 0 to this maximum - 1 may exist in the cpu directory.

Within the system element, the text enclosed may describe further the system traced.

Event type descriptions

A facility contains the descriptions of several event types. When a structure is reused in several event types, a named type is defined and may be referenced by several other event types or named types.

<facility name=facility_name>
  <description>Some text</description>
  <event name=eventtype_name>
    <description>Some text</description>
    --type structure--
  <type name=type_name>
    --type structure--

The type structure may be one of the following primitive type elements. Whenever the keyword isize is used, the allowed values are short, medium, long, 1, 2, 4, 8, indicating the size in bytes. The fsize keyword represents one of medium, long, 4 and 8 bytes.

<int size=isize format="printf format"/>

<uint size=isize format="printf format"/>

<float size=fsize format="printf format"/>

<string format="printf format"/>

<enum size=isize format="printf format">label1 label2 ...</enum>

The string is null terminated. For the enumeration, the size of the integer used for its representation is specified.

The type structure may also be a compound type.

<array size=n> --type structure-- </array>

<sequence lengthsize=isize> --type structure-- </sequence>

  <field name=field_name>
    <description>Some text</description>
    --type structure--

<union typecodesize=isize>
  <field name=field_name>
    <description>Some text</description>
    --type structure--

Array is a fixed size array of length size. Sequence is a variable size array with its length stored as a prepended uint of length lengthsize. A structure is simply an aggregation of fields. An union is one of its n fields (variant record), as indicated by a preceeding code (0 to n - 1) of the specified size typecodesize.

Finally the type structure may be defined by referencing a named type.

<typeref name=type_name/>

Builtin events

The facility named "builtin" is always present and contains at least the following event types.

<event name=facility_load>
  <description>Facility used in the trace</description>
    <field name="name"><string/></field>
    <field name="checksum"><uint size=4/></field>
    <field name="base_code"><uint size=4/></field>

<event name=block_start>
  <description>Block start timestamp</description>
  <typeref name=block_timestamp/>

<event name=block_end>
  <description>Block end timestamp</description>
  <typeref name=block_timestamp/>

<event name=time_heartbeat>
  <description>System time values sent periodically to minimize cycle counter 
    drift with respect to real time clock and to detect cycle counter
  <typeref name=timestamp/>

<type name=block_timestamp>
    <field name=timestamp><typeref name=timestamp></field>
    <field name=block_id><uint size=4/></field>

<type name=timestamp>
    <field name=time><typeref name=timespec/></event>
    <field name="cycle_count"><uint size=8/></field>

<type name=timespec>
    <field name="seconds"><uint size=4/></field>
    <field name="nanoseconds"><uint size=4/></field>

Control files

The interrupts file reflects the content of the /proc/interrupts system file. It contains one event describing each interrupt. At trace start, events are generated describing all the current interrupts. If the assignment of interrupts changes later, due to devices or device drivers being activated or deactivated, additional events may be added to the file. Each interrupt event has the following structure.

<event name=interrupt>
  <description>Interrupt request number assignment<description>
    <field name="number"><uint size=4/></field>
    <field name="count"><uint size=4/></field>
    <field name="controller"><string/></field>
    <field name="name"><string/></field>

The processes file contains the list of processes already created when the trace starts. Each process describing event is modeled after the /proc/self/status system file. The number of fields in this event is expected to be expanded in the future to include groups, signal masks, opened file descriptors and address maps.

<event name=process>
  <description>Existing process<description>
    <field name="name"><string/></field>
    <field name="pid"><uint size=4/></field>
    <field name="ppid"><uint size=4/></field>
    <field name="tracer_pid"><uint size=4/></field>
    <field name="uid"><uint size=4/></field>
    <field name="euid"><uint size=4/></field>
    <field name="suid"><uint size=4/></field>
    <field name="fsuid"><uint size=4/></field>
    <field name="gid"><uint size=4/></field>
    <field name="egid"><uint size=4/></field>
    <field name="sgid"><uint size=4/></field>
    <field name="fsgid"><uint size=4/></field>
    <field name="state"><enum size=4>
        Running WaitInterruptible WaitUninterruptible Zombie Traced Paging


Facilities define a granularity of events grouping for filtering, activation and compilation. Each facility does cost a table entry in the kernel (name, checksum, event type code range), or somewhere between 20 and 30 bytes. Having one facility per tracing statement in the kernel would be too much (assuming that they eventually are routinely inserted in the kernel code and replace the 80000+ printk statements in some proportion). However, having a few facilities, up to a few tens, would make sense.

The "builtin" facility contains a small number of predefined events which must always exist. The "core" facility contains a small subset of OS events which are almost always of interest (scheduling, interrupts, faults, system calls). Then, specialized facilities may exist for each subsystem (network, disks, USB, SCSI...).


Bookmarks are user supplied information added to a trace. They contain user annotations attached to a time interval.

  <location name=name cpu=n start_time=t end_time=t>Some text</location>

The interval is defined using either "time=" or "start_time=" and "end_time=", or "cycle=" or "start_cycle=" and "end_cycle=". The time is in seconds with decimals up to nanoseconds and cycle counts are unsigned integers with a 64 bits range. The cpu attribute is optional.