- defaults: name: lttng-ivc description: | LTTng Inter Version Compatibility test suite.

Job is managed by Jenkins Job Builder.

project-type: freestyle wrappers: - workspace-cleanup - timestamps - ansicolor: colormap: xterm scm: - git: url: https://github.com/{github_user}/{github_name}.git browser: githubweb browser-url: https://github.com/{github_user}/{github_name} branches: - origin/{version} basedir: src skip-tag: true triggers: - timed: "@daily" properties: - build-discarder: num-to-keep: 2 - github: url: https://github.com/{github_user}/{github_name} ## Templates - job-template: name: lttng-ivc-{version} defaults: lttng-ivc project-type: matrix node: 'master' # Applies only to matrix flyweight task axes: - axis: type: slave name: arch values: '{obj:arch}' - axis: type: user-defined name: liburcu_version values: '{obj:liburcu_version}' builders: - shell: !include-raw-escape: scripts/lttng-ivc/build.sh publishers: - archive: artifacts: 'artifacts/**, src/lttng_ivc/runtime/projects_cache/**/log/**' allow-empty: false - junit: results: result.xml - workspace-cleanup - email-ext: recipients: '{obj:email_to}' reply-to: ci-notification@lists.lttng.org always: false unstable: false first-failure: true first-unstable: true not-built: false aborted: false regression: false failure: false second-failure: false improvement: false still-failing: false success: false fixed: false fixed-unhealthy: true still-unstable: false pre-build: false matrix-trigger: only-parent send-to: - recipients - job-template: name: lttng-ivc-{version}-modules defaults: lttng-ivc project-type: matrix node: 'master' # Applies only to matrix flyweight task axes: - axis: type: slave name: slave values: '{obj:slave}' - axis: type: user-defined name: arch values: '{obj:arch}' - axis: type: user-defined name: liburcu_version values: '{obj:liburcu_version}' builders: - shell: !include-raw-escape: scripts/lttng-ivc/build.sh publishers: - archive: artifacts: 'artifacts/**, src/lttng_ivc/runtime/projects_cache/**/log/**' allow-empty: false - junit: results: result.xml - workspace-cleanup - email-ext: recipients: '{obj:email_to}' reply-to: ci-notification@lists.lttng.org always: false unstable: false first-failure: true first-unstable: true not-built: false aborted: false regression: false failure: false second-failure: false improvement: false still-failing: false success: false fixed: false fixed-unhealthy: true still-unstable: false pre-build: false matrix-trigger: only-parent send-to: - recipients ## Project - project: name: lttng-ivc github_user: lttng github_name: lttng-ivc email_to: "ci-notification@lists.lttng.org, cc:joraj@efficios.com" version: - staging - master jobs: - 'lttng-ivc-{version}': version: master arch: !!python/tuple [amd64] liburcu_version: !!python/tuple [master] - 'lttng-ivc-{version}': # Send only to maintainer email_to: "joraj@efficios.com" version: staging arch: !!python/tuple [amd64] liburcu_version: !!python/tuple [master] - 'lttng-ivc-{version}-modules': # Send only to maintainer email_to: "joraj@efficios.com" version: master arch: !!python/tuple [amd64] slave: !!python/tuple [amd64-rootnode] liburcu_version: !!python/tuple [master]