jjb: Reduce output when downloading go during distrobuild
[lttng-ci.git] / pipelines / integration / lttng-tools-_version_-32-64_testsuite.groovy.inc
1 #!groovy
3 {% set test_job_name = 'integration_lttng-tools-32-64_test' %}
5 pipeline {
6 agent none
8 /* Global options for the pipeline */
9 options {
10 preserveStashes()
11 buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '5'))
12 disableConcurrentBuilds()
13 timestamps()
14 skipDefaultCheckout()
15 }
17 triggers {
18 pollSCM('@hourly')
19 }
21 parameters {
22 string(name: 'LTTNG_TOOLS_GIT_REPO', defaultValue: 'https://github.com/lttng/lttng-tools', description: 'The http git repo to be cloned for the lttng-tools project')
23 string(name: 'LTTNG_TOOLS_GIT_BRANCH', defaultValue: '{{ version }}', description: 'The {{ version }} equivalent branch to be checkout-ed')
24 }
26 stages {
27 /*
28 * i386 artefact cannot be reused for 2 reason.
29 * The first one is that the amd64 and i386 node do not run the same distro and libc version.
30 * The second, is that we need to ensure that the lttng-ust used
31 * is the same for the amd64 and i386 and that for now we do not
32 * have this guarantee since we used 2 different jobs
33 */
34 stage('Checkout all sources') {
35 agent { label 'deb12-amd64' }
36 steps {
37 dir("src/userspace-rcu") {
38 checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '{{ urcu_version }}']], extensions: [], gitTool: 'Default', userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'https://github.com/urcu/userspace-rcu']]])
39 }
40 dir("src/lttng-modules") {
41 checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '{{ version }}']], extensions: [], gitTool: 'Default', userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'https://github.com/lttng/lttng-modules']]])
42 }
43 dir("src/lttng-ust") {
44 checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '{{ version }}']], extensions: [], gitTool: 'Default', userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'https://github.com/lttng/lttng-ust']]])
45 }
46 dir("src/lttng-tools") {
47 checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: "${params.LTTNG_TOOLS_GIT_BRANCH}"]], extensions: [], gitTool: 'Default', userRemoteConfigs: [[url: "${params.LTTNG_TOOLS_GIT_REPO}"]]])
48 }
49 stash name: 'dep-sources', includes: 'src/userspace-rcu/**,src/lttng-ust/**'
50 stash name: 'modules-sources', includes: 'src/lttng-modules/**'
51 stash name: 'tools-sources', includes: 'src/lttng-tools/**,'
52 }
53 }
55 stage('Build') {
56 /* Build the i386 and amd64 artifacts in parallel */
57 parallel {
58 stage('Build amd64 deps') {
59 agent { label 'deb12-amd64' }
60 stages {
61 stage('Clean workspace') {
62 steps {
63 cleanWs()
64 }
65 }
67 stage('Build') {
68 environment {
69 BASEDIR_64 = "$WORKSPACE/deps-64"
70 BASEDIR_BUILD_64 = "$BASEDIR_64/build"
71 INCLUDE_DIR_64 = "$BASEDIR_BUILD_64/include"
74 PKG_CONFIG_PATH = "$BASEDIR_BUILD_64/lib/pkgconfig"
76 PATH ="$PATH:$BASEDIR_64/bin"
77 PREFIX = "/build"
78 JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/default-java"
79 CLASSPATH="/usr/share/java/log4j-api.jar:/usr/share/java/log4j-core.jar:/usr/share/java/log4j-1.2.jar"
80 PYTHON3="python3"
81 PYTHON_CONFIG="python3-config"
82 CXXFLAGS="-g -O0"
83 CFLAGS="-g -O0"
84 }
85 steps {
86 unstash name: 'dep-sources'
88 /* Prevent non existent include dir warnings */
89 sh 'mkdir -p $INCLUDE_DIR_64'
91 dir("src/userspace-rcu") {
92 sh '''
93 ./bootstrap
94 ./configure --prefix="$PREFIX"
95 make -j"$(nproc)" V=1
96 make install DESTDIR="$WORKSPACE"
97 '''
99 sh '''
100 find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.so" -exec chrpath --delete {} \\;
101 find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.la" -exec rm -vf {} \\;
102 '''
103 }
105 /* Move the artifacts of the recently built project to the deps directory and remove the "build" directory to prevent `make install` shenanigans for lttng-ust 2.12 */
106 sh '''
107 cp -rv build/ $BASEDIR_64
108 rm -rvf build/
109 '''
111 dir("src/lttng-ust") {
112 sh '''
113 ./bootstrap
114 ./configure --prefix="$PREFIX" --enable-java-agent-all --enable-jni-interface --enable-python-agent
115 make -j"$(nproc)" V=1
116 make install DESTDIR="$WORKSPACE"
117 '''
119 sh '''
120 find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.so" -exec chrpath --delete {} \\;
121 find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.la" -exec rm -vf {} \\;
122 '''
123 }
125 /* Move the artifacts of the recently built project to the deps directory and remove the "build" directory to prevent `make install` shenanigans for lttng-ust 2.12 */
126 sh '''
127 cp -rv build/ $BASEDIR_64
128 rm -rvf build/
129 '''
131 stash name: "amd64-deps-lttng-tools", includes: 'deps-64/**'
132 }
133 }
134 }
135 }
136 stage('Build i386, including lttng-tools') {
137 agent { label 'deb12-i386' }
138 stages {
139 stage('Clean workspace') {
140 steps {
141 cleanWs()
142 }
143 }
145 stage('Build') {
146 environment {
147 BASEDIR_32 = "$WORKSPACE/deps-32"
148 BASEDIR_BUILD_32 = "$BASEDIR_32/build"
149 INCLUDE_DIR_32 = "$BASEDIR_BUILD_32/include"
152 PKG_CONFIG_PATH = "$BASEDIR_BUILD_32/lib/pkgconfig"
154 PATH ="$PATH:$BASEDIR_32/bin"
155 PREFIX = "/build"
156 CXXFLAGS="-g -O0"
157 CFLAGS="-g -O0"
158 }
159 steps {
160 unstash name: 'dep-sources'
161 unstash name: 'tools-sources'
163 /* Prevent non existent include dir warnings */
164 sh 'mkdir -p $INCLUDE_DIR_32'
166 dir("src/userspace-rcu") {
167 sh '''
168 ./bootstrap
169 ./configure --prefix="$PREFIX"
170 make -j"$(nproc)" V=1
171 make install DESTDIR="$WORKSPACE"
172 '''
174 sh '''
175 find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.so" -exec chrpath --delete {} \\;
176 find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.la" -exec rm -vf {} \\;
177 '''
178 }
180 /* Move the artifacts of the recently built project to the deps directory and remove the "build" directory to prevent `make install` shenanigans for lttng-ust 2.12 */
181 sh '''
182 cp -rv build/ $BASEDIR_32
183 rm -rvf build/
184 '''
187 dir("src/lttng-ust") {
188 sh '''
189 ./bootstrap
190 ./configure --prefix="$PREFIX"
191 make V=1
192 make install DESTDIR="$WORKSPACE"
193 '''
195 sh '''
196 find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.so" -exec chrpath --delete {} \\;
197 find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.la" -exec rm -vf {} \\;
198 '''
199 }
201 /* Move the artifacts of the recently built project to the deps directory and remove the "build" directory to prevent `make install` shenanigans for lttng-ust 2.12 */
202 sh '''
203 cp -rv build/ $BASEDIR_32
204 rm -rvf build/
205 '''
207 dir("src/lttng-tools") {
208 sh '''
209 ./bootstrap
210 ./configure --prefix="$PREFIX"
211 make V=1
212 make install DESTDIR="$WORKSPACE"
213 '''
214 sh '''
215 find "$WORKSPACE/build/bin" -type f -perm -0500 -exec chrpath --delete {} \\;
216 find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.so" -exec chrpath --delete {} \\;
217 find "$WORKSPACE/build/lib" -name "*.la" -exec rm -vf {} \\;
218 '''
219 }
221 /* Move the artifacts of the recently built project to the deps directory and remove the "build" directory to prevent `make install` shenanigans for lttng-ust 2.12 */
222 sh '''
223 cp -rv build/ $BASEDIR_32
224 rm -rvf build/
225 '''
227 stash name: "i386-deps-lttng-tools", includes: 'deps-32/**'
229 {% if version != 'stable-2.12' %}
230 /* Save the i386 ld_preloaded libraries for sessiond pausing */
231 stash name: "i386-deps-sessiond-notification-pause-lib", includes: 'src/lttng-tools/tests/regression/tools/notification/.libs/libpause_sessiond.so'
232 {% endif %}
233 }
234 }
235 }
236 }
237 }
238 }
239 stage('Object store') {
240 agent { label 'deb12-amd64' }
241 environment {
242 S3_PREFIX = "s3://jenkins/32-64-bit-integration"
243 }
244 steps {
245 cleanWs()
246 dir('tar/sources') {
247 unstash name: "modules-sources"
248 unstash name: "tools-sources"
249 }
250 dir('tar/deps') {
251 unstash name: "i386-deps-lttng-tools"
252 unstash name: "amd64-deps-lttng-tools"
253 }
254 dir('tar/testing-overlay/sessiond') {
255 {% if version == 'stable-2.12' %}
256 sh '''
257 echo "No testing overlay" > testing_overlay.txt
258 '''
259 {% else %}
260 unstash name: "i386-deps-sessiond-notification-pause-lib"
261 {% endif %}
262 }
264 dir('tar') {
265 sh '''
266 echo $(pwd)
267 ls -lah ./
268 tar -cf "$WORKSPACE/$BUILD_TAG.tar.bz2" -I pbzip2 .
269 '''
270 }
272 sh '''
273 echo "# Setup endpoint
274 host_base = obj.internal.efficios.com
275 host_bucket = obj.internal.efficios.com
276 bucket_location = us-east-1
277 use_https = True
279 # Setup access keys
280 access_key = jenkins
281 secret_key = echo123456
283 # Enable S3 v4 signature APIs
284 signature_v2 = False" > "$WORKSPACE/.s3cfg"
285 s3cmd -c "$WORKSPACE/.s3cfg" put "$WORKSPACE/$BUILD_TAG.tar.bz2" "$S3_PREFIX/"
286 '''
287 }
289 }
290 stage('Testing') {
291 parallel {
292 stage('canary') {
293 agent none
294 steps {
295 build job: '{{ test_job_name }}', parameters: [string(name: 'ARTIFACT_ID', value: "${BUILD_TAG}.tar.bz2"), string(name: 'TEST_TYPE', value: 'canary'), string(name: 'BT_VERSION', value: "{{ babelversion }}")]
296 }
297 }
298 stage('CLI 32-bit') {
299 agent none
300 steps {
301 build job: '{{ test_job_name }}', parameters: [string(name: 'ARTIFACT_ID', value: "${BUILD_TAG}.tar.bz2"), string(name: 'TEST_TYPE', value: '32bit-cli'), string(name: 'BT_VERSION', value: "{{ babelversion }}")]
302 }
303 }
304 stage('sessiond 32-bit') {
305 agent none
306 steps {
307 build job: '{{ test_job_name }}', parameters: [string(name: 'ARTIFACT_ID', value: "${BUILD_TAG}.tar.bz2"), string(name: 'TEST_TYPE', value: '32bit-sessiond'), string(name: 'BT_VERSION', value: "{{ babelversion }}")]
308 }
309 }
310 stage('relayd 32-bit') {
311 agent none
312 steps {
313 build job: '{{ test_job_name }}', parameters: [string(name: 'ARTIFACT_ID', value: "${BUILD_TAG}.tar.bz2"), string(name: 'TEST_TYPE', value: '32bit-relayd'), string(name: 'BT_VERSION', value: "{{ babelversion }}")]
314 }
315 }
316 }
317 }
318 }
319 }
This page took 0.042799 seconds and 4 git commands to generate.