Disable ltttraceread library build
[lttv.git] / lttv / lttv / sync / event_matching_tcp.c
1 /* This file is part of the Linux Trace Toolkit viewer
2 * Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Benjamin Poirier <benjamin.poirier@polymtl.ca>
3 *
4 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
5 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
6 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
7 * your option) any later version.
8 *
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
12 * License for more details.
13 *
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
15 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16 */
18 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
19 #include <config.h>
20 #endif
22 #include <errno.h>
23 #include <inttypes.h>
24 #include <stdlib.h>
25 #include <string.h>
26 #include <unistd.h>
28 #include "event_analysis.h"
29 #include "sync_chain.h"
31 #include "event_matching_tcp.h"
34 // Functions common to all matching modules
35 static void initMatchingTCP(SyncState* const syncState);
36 static void destroyMatchingTCP(SyncState* const syncState);
38 static void matchEventTCP(SyncState* const syncState, Event* const event);
39 static AllFactors* finalizeMatchingTCP(SyncState* const syncState);
40 static void printMatchingStatsTCP(SyncState* const syncState);
41 static void writeMatchingGraphsPlotsTCPMessages(SyncState* const syncState,
42 const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j);
44 // Functions specific to this module
45 static void matchEvents(SyncState* const syncState, Event* const event,
46 GHashTable* const unMatchedList, GHashTable* const
47 unMatchedOppositeList, const size_t fieldOffset, const size_t
48 oppositeFieldOffset);
49 static void partialDestroyMatchingTCP(SyncState* const syncState);
51 static bool isAck(const Message* const message);
52 static bool needsAck(const Message* const message);
53 static void buildReversedConnectionKey(ConnectionKey* const
54 reversedConnectionKey, const ConnectionKey* const connectionKey);
56 static void openGraphDataFiles(SyncState* const syncState);
57 static void closeGraphDataFiles(SyncState* const syncState);
58 static void writeMessagePoint(FILE* stream, const Message* const message);
61 static MatchingModule matchingModuleTCP = {
62 .name= "TCP",
63 .canMatch[TCP]= true,
64 .canMatch[UDP]= false,
65 .initMatching= &initMatchingTCP,
66 .destroyMatching= &destroyMatchingTCP,
67 .matchEvent= &matchEventTCP,
68 .finalizeMatching= &finalizeMatchingTCP,
69 .printMatchingStats= &printMatchingStatsTCP,
70 .graphFunctions= {
71 .writeTraceTraceForePlots= &writeMatchingGraphsPlotsTCPMessages,
72 }
73 };
76 /*
77 * Matching module registering function
78 */
79 void registerMatchingTCP()
80 {
81 g_queue_push_tail(&matchingModules, &matchingModuleTCP);
82 }
85 /*
86 * Matching init function
87 *
88 * This function is called at the beginning of a synchronization run for a set
89 * of traces.
90 *
91 * Allocate the matching specific data structures
92 *
93 * Args:
94 * syncState container for synchronization data.
95 * This function allocates these matchingData members:
96 * unMatchedInE
97 * unMatchedOutE
98 * unAcked
99 * stats
100 */
101 static void initMatchingTCP(SyncState* const syncState)
102 {
103 MatchingDataTCP* matchingData;
105 matchingData= malloc(sizeof(MatchingDataTCP));
106 syncState->matchingData= matchingData;
108 matchingData->unMatchedInE= g_hash_table_new_full(&ghfSegmentKeyHash,
109 &gefSegmentKeyEqual, NULL, &gdnDestroyEvent);
110 matchingData->unMatchedOutE= g_hash_table_new_full(&ghfSegmentKeyHash,
111 &gefSegmentKeyEqual, NULL, &gdnDestroyEvent);
112 matchingData->unAcked= g_hash_table_new_full(&ghfConnectionKeyHash,
113 &gefConnectionKeyEqual, &gdnConnectionKeyDestroy,
114 &gdnTCPSegmentListDestroy);
116 if (syncState->stats)
117 {
118 unsigned int i;
120 matchingData->stats= calloc(1, sizeof(MatchingStatsTCP));
121 matchingData->stats->totMessageArray= malloc(syncState->traceNb *
122 sizeof(unsigned int*));
123 for (i= 0; i < syncState->traceNb; i++)
124 {
125 matchingData->stats->totMessageArray[i]=
126 calloc(syncState->traceNb, sizeof(unsigned int));
127 }
128 }
129 else
130 {
131 matchingData->stats= NULL;
132 }
134 if (syncState->graphsStream)
135 {
136 openGraphDataFiles(syncState);
137 }
138 else
139 {
140 matchingData->messagePoints= NULL;
141 }
142 }
145 /*
146 * Matching destroy function
147 *
148 * Free the matching specific data structures
149 *
150 * Args:
151 * syncState container for synchronization data.
152 * This function deallocates these matchingData members:
153 * stats
154 */
155 static void destroyMatchingTCP(SyncState* const syncState)
156 {
157 MatchingDataTCP* matchingData;
159 matchingData= (MatchingDataTCP*) syncState->matchingData;
161 if (matchingData == NULL)
162 {
163 return;
164 }
166 partialDestroyMatchingTCP(syncState);
168 if (syncState->stats)
169 {
170 unsigned int i;
172 for (i= 0; i < syncState->traceNb; i++)
173 {
174 free(matchingData->stats->totMessageArray[i]);
175 }
176 free(matchingData->stats->totMessageArray);
177 free(matchingData->stats);
178 }
180 free(syncState->matchingData);
181 syncState->matchingData= NULL;
182 }
185 /*
186 * Free some of the matching specific data structures
187 *
188 * This function can be called right after the events have been processed to
189 * free some data structures that are not needed for finalization.
190 *
191 * Args:
192 * syncState container for synchronization data.
193 * This function deallocates these matchingData members:
194 * unMatchedInE
195 * unMatchedOut
196 * unAcked
197 */
198 static void partialDestroyMatchingTCP(SyncState* const syncState)
199 {
200 MatchingDataTCP* matchingData;
202 matchingData= (MatchingDataTCP*) syncState->matchingData;
204 if (matchingData == NULL || matchingData->unMatchedInE == NULL)
205 {
206 return;
207 }
209 g_hash_table_destroy(matchingData->unMatchedInE);
210 matchingData->unMatchedInE= NULL;
211 g_hash_table_destroy(matchingData->unMatchedOutE);
212 g_hash_table_destroy(matchingData->unAcked);
214 if (syncState->graphsStream && matchingData->messagePoints)
215 {
216 closeGraphDataFiles(syncState);
217 }
218 }
221 /*
222 * Try to match one event from a trace with the corresponding event from
223 * another trace.
224 *
225 * Args:
226 * syncState container for synchronization data.
227 * event new event to match
228 */
229 static void matchEventTCP(SyncState* const syncState, Event* const event)
230 {
231 MatchingDataTCP* matchingData;
233 g_assert(event->type == TCP);
235 matchingData= (MatchingDataTCP*) syncState->matchingData;
237 if (event->event.tcpEvent->direction == IN)
238 {
239 matchEvents(syncState, event, matchingData->unMatchedInE,
240 matchingData->unMatchedOutE, offsetof(Message, inE),
241 offsetof(Message, outE));
242 }
243 else
244 {
245 matchEvents(syncState, event, matchingData->unMatchedOutE,
246 matchingData->unMatchedInE, offsetof(Message, outE),
247 offsetof(Message, inE));
248 }
249 }
252 /*
253 * Call the partial matching destroyer and obtain the factors from downstream
254 *
255 * Args:
256 * syncState container for synchronization data.
257 *
258 * Returns:
259 * AllFactors* synchronization factors for each trace pair
260 */
261 static AllFactors* finalizeMatchingTCP(SyncState* const syncState)
262 {
263 partialDestroyMatchingTCP(syncState);
265 return syncState->analysisModule->finalizeAnalysis(syncState);
266 }
269 /*
270 * Print statistics related to matching. Must be called after
271 * finalizeMatching.
272 *
273 * Args:
274 * syncState container for synchronization data.
275 */
276 static void printMatchingStatsTCP(SyncState* const syncState)
277 {
278 unsigned int i, j;
279 MatchingDataTCP* matchingData;
281 if (!syncState->stats)
282 {
283 return;
284 }
286 matchingData= (MatchingDataTCP*) syncState->matchingData;
288 printf("TCP matching stats:\n");
289 printf("\ttotal input and output events matched together to form a packet: %u\n",
290 matchingData->stats->totPacket);
292 printf("\tMessage traffic:\n");
294 for (i= 0; i < syncState->traceNb; i++)
295 {
296 for (j= i + 1; j < syncState->traceNb; j++)
297 {
298 printf("\t\t%3d - %-3d: sent %-10u received %-10u\n", i, j,
299 matchingData->stats->totMessageArray[j][i],
300 matchingData->stats->totMessageArray[i][j]);
301 }
302 }
304 if (syncState->analysisModule->analyzeExchange != NULL)
305 {
306 printf("\ttotal packets identified needing an acknowledge: %u\n",
307 matchingData->stats->totPacketNeedAck);
308 printf("\ttotal exchanges (four events matched together): %u\n",
309 matchingData->stats->totExchangeEffective);
310 printf("\ttotal synchronization exchanges: %u\n",
311 matchingData->stats->totExchangeSync);
312 }
313 }
316 /*
317 * Implementation of a packet matching algorithm for TCP
318 *
319 * Args:
320 * event: new event to match
321 * unMatchedList: list of unmatched events of the same type (send or
322 * receive) as event
323 * unMatchedOppositeList: list of unmatched events of the opposite type of
324 * event
325 * fieldOffset: offset of the Event field in the Message struct for the
326 * field of the type of event
327 * oppositeFieldOffset: offset of the Event field in the Message struct
328 * for the field of the opposite type of event
329 */
330 static void matchEvents(SyncState* const syncState, Event* const event,
331 GHashTable* const unMatchedList, GHashTable* const unMatchedOppositeList,
332 const size_t fieldOffset, const size_t oppositeFieldOffset)
333 {
334 Event* companionEvent;
335 Message* packet;
336 MatchingDataTCP* matchingData;
337 GQueue* conUnAcked;
339 matchingData= (MatchingDataTCP*) syncState->matchingData;
341 companionEvent= g_hash_table_lookup(unMatchedOppositeList, event->event.tcpEvent->segmentKey);
342 if (companionEvent != NULL)
343 {
344 g_debug("Found matching companion event, ");
346 // If it's there, remove it and create a Message
347 g_hash_table_steal(unMatchedOppositeList, event->event.tcpEvent->segmentKey);
348 packet= malloc(sizeof(Message));
349 *((Event**) ((void*) packet + fieldOffset))= event;
350 *((Event**) ((void*) packet + oppositeFieldOffset))= companionEvent;
351 packet->print= &printTCPSegment;
352 // Both events can now share the same segmentKey
353 free(packet->outE->event.tcpEvent->segmentKey);
354 packet->outE->event.tcpEvent->segmentKey= packet->inE->event.tcpEvent->segmentKey;
356 if (syncState->stats)
357 {
358 matchingData->stats->totPacket++;
359 matchingData->stats->totMessageArray[packet->inE->traceNum][packet->outE->traceNum]++;
360 }
362 // Discard loopback traffic
363 if (packet->inE->traceNum == packet->outE->traceNum)
364 {
365 destroyTCPSegment(packet);
366 return;
367 }
369 if (syncState->graphsStream)
370 {
371 writeMessagePoint(matchingData->messagePoints[packet->inE->traceNum][packet->outE->traceNum],
372 packet);
373 }
375 if (syncState->analysisModule->analyzeMessage != NULL)
376 {
377 syncState->analysisModule->analyzeMessage(syncState, packet);
378 }
380 // We can skip the rest of the algorithm if the analysis module is not
381 // interested in exchanges
382 if (syncState->analysisModule->analyzeExchange == NULL)
383 {
384 destroyTCPSegment(packet);
385 return;
386 }
388 // If this packet acknowleges some data ...
389 if (isAck(packet))
390 {
391 ConnectionKey oppositeConnectionKey;
393 buildReversedConnectionKey(&oppositeConnectionKey,
394 &event->event.tcpEvent->segmentKey->connectionKey);
395 conUnAcked= g_hash_table_lookup(matchingData->unAcked,
396 &oppositeConnectionKey);
397 if (conUnAcked != NULL)
398 {
399 Message* ackedPacket;
400 GList* result;
401 Exchange* exchange;
403 exchange= NULL;
405 result= g_queue_find_custom(conUnAcked, packet, &gcfTCPSegmentAckCompare);
407 while (result != NULL)
408 {
409 // Remove the acknowledged packet from the unAcked list
410 // and keep it for later offset calculations
411 g_debug("Found matching unAcked packet, ");
413 ackedPacket= (Message*) result->data;
414 g_queue_delete_link(conUnAcked, result);
416 if (syncState->stats)
417 {
418 matchingData->stats->totExchangeEffective++;
419 }
421 if (exchange == NULL)
422 {
423 exchange= malloc(sizeof(Exchange));
424 exchange->message= packet;
425 exchange->acks= g_queue_new();
426 }
428 g_queue_push_tail(exchange->acks, ackedPacket);
430 result= g_queue_find_custom(conUnAcked, packet,
431 &gcfTCPSegmentAckCompare);
432 }
434 // It might be possible to do an offset calculation
435 if (exchange != NULL)
436 {
437 ackedPacket= g_queue_peek_tail(exchange->acks);
438 if (ackedPacket->outE->traceNum != packet->inE->traceNum
439 || ackedPacket->inE->traceNum !=
440 packet->outE->traceNum || packet->inE->traceNum ==
441 packet->outE->traceNum)
442 {
443 ackedPacket->print(ackedPacket);
444 packet->print(packet);
445 g_error("Disorganized exchange encountered during "
446 "synchronization");
447 }
448 else
449 {
450 if (syncState->stats)
451 {
452 matchingData->stats->totExchangeSync++;
453 }
455 syncState->analysisModule->analyzeExchange(syncState,
456 exchange);
457 }
459 exchange->message= NULL;
460 destroyTCPExchange(exchange);
461 }
462 }
463 }
465 if (needsAck(packet))
466 {
467 if (syncState->stats)
468 {
469 matchingData->stats->totPacketNeedAck++;
470 }
472 // If this packet will generate an ack, add it to the unAcked list
473 g_debug("Adding to unAcked, ");
474 conUnAcked= g_hash_table_lookup(matchingData->unAcked,
475 &event->event.tcpEvent->segmentKey->connectionKey);
476 if (conUnAcked == NULL)
477 {
478 ConnectionKey* connectionKey;
480 connectionKey= malloc(sizeof(ConnectionKey));
481 memcpy(connectionKey, &event->event.tcpEvent->segmentKey->connectionKey,
482 sizeof(ConnectionKey));
483 g_hash_table_insert(matchingData->unAcked, connectionKey,
484 conUnAcked= g_queue_new());
485 }
486 g_queue_push_tail(conUnAcked, packet);
487 }
488 else
489 {
490 destroyTCPSegment(packet);
491 }
492 }
493 else
494 {
495 // If there's no corresponding event, add the event to the unmatched
496 // list for this type of event
497 g_debug("Adding to unmatched event list, ");
498 g_hash_table_replace(unMatchedList, event->event.tcpEvent->segmentKey, event);
499 }
500 }
503 /*
504 * Check if a packet is an acknowledge
505 *
506 * Args:
507 * packet TCP Message
508 *
509 * Returns:
510 * true if it is,
511 * false otherwise
512 */
513 static bool isAck(const Message* const packet)
514 {
515 if (packet->inE->event.tcpEvent->segmentKey->ack == 1)
516 {
517 return true;
518 }
519 else
520 {
521 return false;
522 }
523 }
526 /*
527 * Check if a packet will increment the sequence number, thus needing an
528 * acknowledge
529 *
530 * Args:
531 * packet TCP Message
532 *
533 * Returns:
534 * true if the packet will need an acknowledge
535 * false otherwise
536 */
537 static bool needsAck(const Message* const packet)
538 {
539 if (packet->inE->event.tcpEvent->segmentKey->syn || packet->inE->event.tcpEvent->segmentKey->fin ||
540 packet->inE->event.tcpEvent->segmentKey->tot_len - packet->inE->event.tcpEvent->segmentKey->ihl * 4 -
541 packet->inE->event.tcpEvent->segmentKey->doff * 4 > 0)
542 {
543 return true;
544 }
545 else
546 {
547 return false;
548 }
549 }
552 /*
553 * Populate a connection key structure for the opposite direction of a
554 * connection
555 *
556 * Args:
557 * reversedConnectionKey the result, must be pre-allocated
558 * connectionKey the connection key to reverse
559 */
560 static void buildReversedConnectionKey(ConnectionKey* const
561 reversedConnectionKey, const ConnectionKey* const connectionKey)
562 {
563 reversedConnectionKey->saddr= connectionKey->daddr;
564 reversedConnectionKey->daddr= connectionKey->saddr;
565 reversedConnectionKey->source= connectionKey->dest;
566 reversedConnectionKey->dest= connectionKey->source;
567 }
570 /*
571 * Create and open files used to store message points to genereate
572 * graphs. Allocate and populate array to store file pointers.
573 *
574 * Args:
575 * syncState: container for synchronization data
576 */
577 static void openGraphDataFiles(SyncState* const syncState)
578 {
579 unsigned int i, j;
580 int retval;
581 char* cwd;
582 char name[29];
583 MatchingDataTCP* matchingData;
585 matchingData= (MatchingDataTCP*) syncState->matchingData;
587 cwd= changeToGraphsDir(syncState->graphsDir);
589 matchingData->messagePoints= malloc(syncState->traceNb * sizeof(FILE**));
590 for (i= 0; i < syncState->traceNb; i++)
591 {
592 matchingData->messagePoints[i]= malloc(syncState->traceNb *
593 sizeof(FILE*));
594 for (j= 0; j < syncState->traceNb; j++)
595 {
596 if (i != j)
597 {
598 retval= snprintf(name, sizeof(name),
599 "matching_tcp-%03u_to_%03u.data", j, i);
600 if (retval > sizeof(name) - 1)
601 {
602 name[sizeof(name) - 1]= '\0';
603 }
604 if ((matchingData->messagePoints[i][j]= fopen(name, "w")) ==
605 NULL)
606 {
607 g_error("%s", strerror(errno));
608 }
609 }
610 }
611 }
613 retval= chdir(cwd);
614 if (retval == -1)
615 {
616 g_error("%s", strerror(errno));
617 }
618 free(cwd);
619 }
622 /*
623 * Write a message point to a file used to generate graphs
624 *
625 * Args:
626 * stream: FILE*, file pointer where to write the point
627 * message: message for which to write the point
628 */
629 static void writeMessagePoint(FILE* stream, const Message* const message)
630 {
631 uint64_t x, y;
633 if (message->inE->traceNum < message->outE->traceNum)
634 {
635 // CA is inE->traceNum
636 x= message->inE->cpuTime;
637 y= message->outE->cpuTime;
638 }
639 else
640 {
641 // CA is outE->traceNum
642 x= message->outE->cpuTime;
643 y= message->inE->cpuTime;
644 }
646 fprintf(stream, "%20" PRIu64 " %20" PRIu64 "\n", x, y);
647 }
650 /*
651 * Close files used to store convex hull points to genereate graphs.
652 * Deallocate array to store file pointers.
653 *
654 * Args:
655 * syncState: container for synchronization data
656 */
657 static void closeGraphDataFiles(SyncState* const syncState)
658 {
659 unsigned int i, j;
660 MatchingDataTCP* matchingData;
661 int retval;
663 matchingData= (MatchingDataTCP*) syncState->matchingData;
665 if (matchingData->messagePoints == NULL)
666 {
667 return;
668 }
670 for (i= 0; i < syncState->traceNb; i++)
671 {
672 for (j= 0; j < syncState->traceNb; j++)
673 {
674 if (i != j)
675 {
676 retval= fclose(matchingData->messagePoints[i][j]);
677 if (retval != 0)
678 {
679 g_error("%s", strerror(errno));
680 }
681 }
682 }
683 free(matchingData->messagePoints[i]);
684 }
685 free(matchingData->messagePoints);
687 matchingData->messagePoints= NULL;
688 }
691 /*
692 * Write the matching-specific graph lines in the gnuplot script.
693 *
694 * Args:
695 * syncState: container for synchronization data
696 * i: first trace number
697 * j: second trace number, garanteed to be larger than i
698 */
699 static void writeMatchingGraphsPlotsTCPMessages(SyncState* const syncState,
700 const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j)
701 {
702 fprintf(syncState->graphsStream,
703 "\t\"matching_tcp-%1$03d_to_%2$03d.data\" "
704 "title \"Sent messages\" with points linetype 4 "
705 "linecolor rgb \"#98fc66\" pointtype 9 pointsize 2, \\\n"
706 "\t\"matching_tcp-%2$03d_to_%1$03d.data\" "
707 "title \"Received messages\" with points linetype 4 "
708 "linecolor rgb \"#6699cc\" pointtype 11 pointsize 2, \\\n", i, j);
709 }
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