[lttv.git] / ltt / branches / poly / lttv / modules / guiControlFlow / Draw_Item.c
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Draw_Item.c
3 *
4 * This file contains methods responsible for drawing a generic type of data
5 * in a drawable. Doing this generically will permit user defined drawing
6 * behavior in a later time.
7 *
8 * This file provides an API which is meant to be reusable for all viewers that
9 * need to show information in line, icon, text, background or point form in
10 * a drawable area having time for x axis. The y axis, in the control flow
11 * viewer case, is corresponding to the different processes, but it can be
12 * reused integrally for cpu, and eventually locks, buffers, network
13 * interfaces... What will differ between the viewers is the precise
14 * information which interests us. We may think that the most useful
15 * information for control flow are some specific events, like schedule
16 * change, and processes'states. It may differ for a cpu viewer : the
17 * interesting information could be more the execution mode of each cpu.
18 * This API in meant to make viewer's writers life easier : it will become
19 * a simple choice of icons and line types for the precise information
20 * the viewer has to provide (agremented with keeping supplementary records
21 * and modifying slightly the DrawContext to suit the needs.)
22 *
23 * We keep each data type in attributes, keys to specific information
24 * being formed from the GQuark corresponding to the information received.
25 * (facilities / facility_name / events / eventname.)
26 * (cpus/cpu_name, process_states/ps_name,
27 * execution_modes/em_name, execution_submodes/es_name).
28 * The goal is then to provide a generic way to print information on the
29 * screen for all this different information.
30 *
31 * Information can be printed as
32 *
33 * - text (text + color + size + position (over or under line)
34 * - icon (icon filename, corresponding to a loaded icon, accessible through
35 * a GQuark. Icons are loaded statically at the guiControlFlow level during
36 * module initialization and can be added on the fly if not present in the
37 * GQuark.) The habitual place for xpm icons is in
38 * ${prefix}/share/LinuxTraceToolkit.) + position (over or under line)
39 * - line (color, width, style)
40 * - Arc (can be seen as points) (color, size)
41 * - background color (color)
42 *
43 * Each item has an array of hooks (hook list). Each hook represents an
44 * operation to perform. We seek the array each time we want to
45 * draw an item. We execute each operation in order. An operation type
46 * is associated with each hook to permit user listing and modification
47 * of these operations. The operation type is also used to find the
48 * corresponding priority for the sorting. Operation type and priorities
49 * are enum and a static int table.
50 *
51 * The array has to be sorted by priority each time we add a task in it.
52 * A priority is associated with each operation type. It permits
53 * to perform background color selection before line or text drawing. We also
54 * draw lines before text, so the text appears over the lines.
55 *
56 * Executing all the arrays of operations for a specific event (which
57 * implies information for state, event, cpu, execution mode and submode)
58 * has to be done in a same DrawContext. The goal there is to keep the offset
59 * of the text and icons over and under the middle line, so a specific
60 * event could be printed as ( R Si 0 for running, scheduled in, cpu 0 ),
61 * text being easy to replace with icons. The DrawContext is passed as
62 * call_data for the operation hooks.
63 *
64 * We use the lttv global attributes to keep track of the loaded icons.
65 * If we need an icon, we look for it in the icons / icon name pathname.
66 * If found, we use the pointer to it. If not, we load the pixmap in
67 * memory and set the pointer to the GdkPixmap in the attributes.
68 *
69 * Author : Mathieu Desnoyers, October 2003
70 */
72 #include <glib.h>
73 #include <lttv/hook.h>
74 #include <lttv/attribute.h>
75 #include <lttv/iattribute.h>
77 #include <lttv/processTrace.h>
78 #include <lttv/state.h>
80 /* The DrawContext keeps information about the current drawing position and
81 * the previous one, so we can use both to draw lines.
82 *
83 * over : position for drawing over the middle line.
84 * middle : middle line position.
85 * under : position for drawing under the middle line.
86 */
87 struct _DrawContext {
88 GdkDrawable *drawable;
89 GdkGC *gc;
91 DrawInfo *Current;
92 DrawInfo *Previous;
93 };
95 struct _DrawInfo {
96 ItemInfo *over;
97 ItemInfo *middle;
98 ItemInfo *under;
99 };
101 /* LttvExecutionState is accessible through the LttvTracefileState. Is has
102 * a pointer to the LttvProcessState which points to the top of stack
103 * execution state : LttvExecutionState *state.
104 *
105 * LttvExecutionState contains (useful here):
106 * LttvExecutionMode t,
107 * LttvExecutionSubmode n,
108 * LttvProcessStatus s
109 *
110 *
111 * LttvTraceState will be used in the case we need the string of the
112 * different processes, eventtype_names, syscall_names, trap_names, irq_names.
113 *
114 * LttvTracefileState also gives the cpu_name and, as it herits from
115 * LttvTracefileContext, it gives the LttEvent structure, which is needed
116 * to get facility name and event name.
117 */
118 struct _ItemInfo {
119 gint x, y;
120 LttvTraceState *ts;
121 LttvTracefileState *tfs;
122 };
125 /*
126 * The Item element is only used so the DrawOperation is modifiable by users.
127 * During drawing, only the Hook is needed.
128 */
129 struct _DrawOperation {
130 DrawableItems Item;
131 LttvHooks *Hook;
132 };
134 /*
135 * We define here each items that can be drawn, together with their
136 * associated priority. Many item types can have the same priority,
137 * it's only used for quicksorting the operations when we add a new one
138 * to the array of operations to perform. Lower priorities are executed
139 * first. So, for example, we may want to give background color a value
140 * of 10 while a line would have 20, so the background color, which
141 * is in fact a rectangle, does not hide the line.
142 */
144 typedef enum _DrawableItems {
146 } DrawableItems;
148 static gchar * Items_Priorities = {
149 50, /* ITEM_TEXT */
150 40, /* ITEM_ICON */
151 20, /* ITEM_LINE */
152 30, /* ITEM_POINT */
153 10 /* ITEM_BACKGROUND */
154 };
156 typedef enum _RelPos {
158 } RelPos;
160 /*
161 * Here are the different structures describing each item type that can be
162 * drawn. They contain the information necessary to draw the item : not the
163 * position (this is provided by the DrawContext), but the text, icon name,
164 * line width, color; all the properties of the specific items.
165 */
167 struct _PropertiesText {
168 GdkColor *foreground;
169 GdkColor *background;
170 gint size;
171 gchar *Text;
172 RelPos position;
173 };
176 struct _PropertiesIcon {
177 gchar *icon_name;
178 gint width;
179 gint height;
180 RelPos position;
181 };
183 struct _PropertiesLine {
184 GdkColor *color;
185 gint line_width;
186 GdkLineStyle style;
187 RelPos position;
188 };
190 struct _PropertiesArc {
191 GdkColor *color;
192 gint size; /* We force circle by width = height */
193 gboolean filled;
194 RelPos position;
195 };
197 struct _PropertiesBG {
198 GdkColor *color;
199 };
205 /* Drawing hook functions */
206 gboolean draw_text( void *hook_data, void *call_data)
207 {
208 PropertiesText *Properties = (PropertiesText*)hook_data;
209 DrawContext *Draw_Context = (DrawContext*)call_data;
210 }
212 gboolean draw_icon( void *hook_data, void *call_data)
213 {
214 PropertiesIcon *Properties = (PropertiesIcon*)hook_data;
215 DrawContext *Draw_Context = (DrawContext*)call_data;
217 }
219 gboolean draw_line( void *hook_data, void *call_data)
220 {
221 PropertiesLine *Properties = (PropertiesLine*)hook_data;
222 DrawContext *Draw_Context = (DrawContext*)call_data;
224 }
226 gboolean draw_arc( void *hook_data, void *call_data)
227 {
228 PropertiesArc *Properties = (PropertiesArc*)hook_data;
229 DrawContext *Draw_Context = (DrawContext*)call_data;
231 }
233 gboolean draw_bg( void *hook_data, void *call_data)
234 {
235 PropertiesBG *Properties = (PropertiesBG*)hook_data;
236 DrawContext *Draw_Context = (DrawContext*)call_data;
238 }
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