xml desc fix
[lttv.git] / genevent / genevent.c
1 /*
3 genevent.c: Generate helper declarations and functions to trace events
4 from an event description file.
6 Copyright (C) 2002, Xianxiu Yang
7 Copyright (C) 2002, Michel Dagenais
9 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
13 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 GNU General Public License for more details.
18 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21 */
23 /* This program reads the ".event" event definitions input files
24 specified as command line arguments and generates corresponding
25 ".c" and ".h" files required to trace such events in the kernel.
27 The program uses a very simple tokenizer, called from a hand written
28 recursive descent parser to fill a data structure describing the events.
29 The result is a sequence of events definitions which refer to type
30 definitions.
32 A table of named types is maintained to allow refering to types by name
33 when the same type is used at several places. Finally a sequence of
34 all types is maintained to facilitate the freeing of all type
35 information when the processing of an ".event" file is finished. */
37 #include <stdlib.h>
38 #include <string.h>
39 #include <ctype.h>
40 #include <stdio.h>
41 #include <stdarg.h>
42 #include <linux/errno.h>
43 #include <assert.h>
45 #include "parser.h"
46 #include "genevent.h"
48 /* Named types may be referenced from anywhere */
50 facility * fac;
52 int main(int argc, char** argv)
53 {
54 char *token;
55 parse_file in;
56 char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
57 int i;
59 if(argc < 2){
60 printf("At least one event definition file is needed\n");
61 exit(1);
62 }
64 in.buffer = buffer;
65 in.error = error_callback;
67 for(i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++) {
68 in.lineno = 0;
69 in.name = allocAndCopy(argv[i]);
71 in.fp = fopen(in.name, "r");
72 if(!in.fp ){
73 in.error(&in,"cannot open facility input file");
74 }
76 while(1){
77 token = getToken(&in);
78 if(in.type == ENDFILE) break;
80 if(strcmp(token, "<")) in.error(&in,"not a facility file");
81 token = getName(&in);
83 if(strcmp("facility",token) == 0) {
84 fac = memAlloc(sizeof(facility));
85 fac->name = NULL;
86 fac->description = NULL;
87 sequence_init(&(fac->events));
88 table_init(&(fac->named_types));
89 sequence_init(&(fac->unnamed_types));
91 parseFacility(&in, fac);
93 //check if any namedType is not defined
94 checkNamedTypesImplemented(&fac->named_types);
95 }
96 else in.error(&in,"facility token was expected");
98 generateFile(argv[i]);
100 free(fac->name);
101 free(fac->description);
102 freeEvents(&fac->events);
103 sequence_dispose(&fac->events);
104 freeNamedType(&fac->named_types);
105 table_dispose(&fac->named_types);
106 freeTypes(&fac->unnamed_types);
107 sequence_dispose(&fac->unnamed_types);
108 free(fac);
109 }
111 free(in.name);
112 fclose(in.fp);
114 }
115 return 0;
116 }
119 /*****************************************************************************
120 *Function name
121 * generateFile : generate .c and .h file
122 *Input Params
123 * name : name of event definition file
124 ****************************************************************************/
125 void generateFile(char *name){
126 char *loadName, *hName, *hIdName, *cName, *tmp, *tmp2;
127 FILE * lFp, *hFp, *iFp, *cFp;
128 int nbEvent;
129 unsigned long checksum=0;
131 //remove .xml if it exists
132 tmp = &name[strlen(name)-4];
133 if(strcmp(tmp, ".xml") == 0){
134 *tmp = '\0';
135 }
137 tmp = strrchr(name,'/');
138 if(tmp){
139 tmp++;
140 }else{
141 tmp = name;
142 }
144 loadName = appendString("ltt-facility-loader-", tmp);
145 tmp2 = appendString(loadName,".h");
146 free(loadName);
147 loadName = tmp2;
148 hName = appendString("ltt-facility-", tmp);
149 tmp2 = appendString(hName,".h");
150 free(hName);
151 hName = tmp2;
152 hIdName = appendString("ltt-facility-id-", tmp);
153 tmp2 = appendString(hIdName,".h");
154 free(hIdName);
155 hIdName = tmp2;
156 cName = appendString("ltt-facility-loader-", tmp);
157 tmp2 = appendString(cName,".c");
158 free(cName);
159 cName = tmp2;
160 lFp = fopen(loadName,"w");
161 if(!lFp){
162 printf("Cannot open the file : %s\n",loadName);
163 exit(1);
164 }
166 hFp = fopen(hName,"w");
167 if(!hFp){
168 printf("Cannot open the file : %s\n",hName);
169 exit(1);
170 }
172 iFp = fopen(hIdName,"w");
173 if(!iFp){
174 printf("Cannot open the file : %s\n",hIdName);
175 exit(1);
176 }
178 cFp = fopen(cName,"w");
179 if(!cFp){
180 printf("Cannot open the file : %s\n",cName);
181 exit(1);
182 }
184 free(loadName);
185 free(hName);
186 free(hIdName);
187 free(cName);
189 generateChecksum(fac->name, &checksum, &(fac->events));
191 /* generate .h file, event enumeration then structures and functions */
192 fprintf(iFp, "#ifndef _LTT_FACILITY_ID_%s_H_\n",fac->capname);
193 fprintf(iFp, "#define _LTT_FACILITY_ID_%s_H_\n\n",fac->capname);
194 generateEnumEvent(iFp, fac->name, &nbEvent, checksum);
195 fprintf(iFp, "#endif //_LTT_FACILITY_ID_%s_H_\n",fac->capname);
198 fprintf(hFp, "#ifndef _LTT_FACILITY_%s_H_\n",fac->capname);
199 fprintf(hFp, "#define _LTT_FACILITY_%s_H_\n\n",fac->capname);
200 generateTypeDefs(hFp, fac->name);
201 generateStructFunc(hFp, fac->name,checksum);
202 fprintf(hFp, "#endif //_LTT_FACILITY_%s_H_\n",fac->capname);
204 /* generate .h file, calls to register the facility at init time */
205 generateLoaderfile(lFp,fac->name,nbEvent,checksum,fac->capname);
207 // create ltt-facility-loader-facname.c
208 generateCfile(cFp, tmp);
210 fclose(hFp);
211 fclose(iFp);
212 fclose(lFp);
213 fclose(cFp);
215 }
218 /*****************************************************************************
219 *Function name
220 * generateEnumEvent : output event enum to .h file
221 *Input Params
222 * fp : file to be written to
223 * facName : name of facility
224 *Output Params
225 * nbEvent : number of events in the facility
226 ****************************************************************************/
227 void generateEnumEvent(FILE *fp, char *facName, int * nbEvent, unsigned long checksum) {
228 int pos = 0;
230 fprintf(fp,"#include <linux/ltt-facilities.h>\n\n");
232 fprintf(fp,"/**** facility handle ****/\n\n");
233 fprintf(fp,"extern ltt_facility_t ltt_facility_%s_%X;\n",facName, checksum);
234 fprintf(fp,"extern ltt_facility_t ltt_facility_%s;\n\n\n",facName, checksum);
236 fprintf(fp,"/**** event type ****/\n\n");
237 fprintf(fp,"enum %s_event {\n",facName);
239 for(pos = 0; pos < fac->events.position;pos++) {
240 fprintf(fp,"\tevent_%s", ((event *)(fac->events.array[pos]))->name);
241 if(pos != fac->events.position-1) fprintf(fp,",\n");
242 }
243 fprintf(fp,"\n};\n\n\n");
245 // fprintf(fp,"/**** number of events in the facility ****/\n\n");
246 // fprintf(fp,"int nbEvents_%s = %d;\n\n\n",facName, fac->events.position);
247 *nbEvent = fac->events.position;
248 }
251 /*****************************************************************************
252 *Function name
253 * printStruct : Generic struct printing function
254 *Input Params
255 * fp : file to be written to
256 * len : number of fields
257 * array : array of field info
258 * name : basic struct name
259 * facName : name of facility
260 * whichTypeFirst : struct or array/sequence first
261 * hasStrSeq : string or sequence present?
262 * structCount : struct postfix
263 ****************************************************************************/
265 static void
266 printStruct(FILE * fp, int len, void ** array, char * name, char * facName,
267 int * whichTypeFirst, int * hasStrSeq, int * structCount)
268 {
269 int flag = 0;
270 int pos;
271 field * fld;
272 type_descriptor * td;
274 for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos++) {
275 fld = (field *)array[pos];
276 td = fld->type;
277 if( td->type == STRING || td->type == SEQUENCE ||
278 td->type == ARRAY) {
279 (*hasStrSeq)++;
280 }
281 // if (*whichTypeFirst == 0) {
282 // *whichTypeFirst = 1; //struct first
283 // }
284 if (flag == 0) {
285 flag = 1;
287 fprintf(fp,"struct %s_%s",name, facName);
288 if (structCount) {
289 fprintf(fp, "_%d {\n",++*structCount);
290 } else {
291 fprintf(fp, " {\n");
292 }
293 }
294 fprintf(fp, "\t%s %s; /* %s */\n",
295 getTypeStr(td),fld->name,fld->description );
296 #if 0
297 } else {
298 if (*whichTypeFirst == 0) {
299 //string or sequence or array first
300 *whichTypeFirst = 2;
301 }
302 (*hasStrSeq)++;
303 if(flag) {
304 fprintf(fp,"} __attribute__ ((packed));\n\n");
305 }
306 flag = 0;
307 }
308 #endif //0
309 }
311 if(flag) {
312 fprintf(fp,"} __attribute__ ((packed));\n\n");
313 }
314 }
317 /*****************************************************************************
318 *Function name
319 * generateHfile : Create the typedefs
320 *Input Params
321 * fp : file to be written to
322 ****************************************************************************/
323 void
324 generateTypeDefs(FILE * fp, char *facName)
325 {
326 int pos, tmp = 1;
328 fprintf(fp,"#include <linux/types.h>\n");
329 fprintf(fp,"#include <linux/spinlock.h>\n");
330 fprintf(fp,"#include <linux/ltt/ltt-facility-id-%s.h>\n\n", facName);
331 fprintf(fp,"#include <linux/ltt-core.h>\n");
333 fprintf(fp, "/**** Basic Type Definitions ****/\n\n");
335 for (pos = 0; pos < fac->named_types.values.position; pos++) {
336 type_descriptor * type =
337 (type_descriptor*)fac->named_types.values.array[pos];
338 printStruct(fp, type->fields.position, type->fields.array,
339 "", type->type_name, &tmp, &tmp, NULL);
340 fprintf(fp, "typedef struct _%s %s;\n\n",
341 type->type_name, type->type_name);
342 }
343 }
346 /*****************************************************************************
347 *Function name
348 * generateEnumDefinition: generate enum definition if it exists
349 *Input Params
350 * fp : file to be written to
351 * fHead : enum type
352 ****************************************************************************/
353 void generateEnumDefinition(FILE * fp, type_descriptor * type){
354 int pos;
356 if(type->already_printed) return;
358 fprintf(fp,"enum {\n");
359 for(pos = 0; pos < type->labels.position; pos++){
360 fprintf(fp,"\tLTT_ENUM_%s", type->labels.array[pos]);
361 if (pos != type->labels.position - 1) fprintf(fp,",");
362 if(type->labels_description.array[pos] != NULL)
363 fprintf(fp,"\t/* %s */\n",type->labels_description.array[pos]);
364 else
365 fprintf(fp,"\n");
366 }
367 fprintf(fp,"};\n\n\n");
369 type->already_printed = 1;
370 }
372 /*****************************************************************************
373 *Function name
374 * generateStrucTFunc: output structure and function to .h file
375 *Input Params
376 * fp : file to be written to
377 * facName : name of facility
378 ****************************************************************************/
379 void generateStructFunc(FILE * fp, char * facName, unsigned long checksum){
380 event * ev;
381 field * fld;
382 type_descriptor * td;
383 int pos, pos1;
384 int hasStrSeq, flag, structCount, seqCount,strCount, whichTypeFirst=0;
386 for(pos = 0; pos < fac->events.position; pos++){
387 ev = (event *) fac->events.array[pos];
388 //yxx if(ev->nested)continue;
389 fprintf(fp,"/**** structure and trace function for event: %s ****/\n\n",
390 ev->name);
391 //if(ev->type == 0){ // event without type
392 // fprintf(fp,"static inline void trace_%s_%s(void){\n",facName,ev->name);
393 // fprintf(fp,"\tltt_log_event(ltt_facility_%s_%X, event_%s, 0, NULL);\n",
394 // facName,checksum,ev->name);
395 // fprintf(fp,"};\n\n\n");
396 // continue;
397 //}
399 //if fields contain enum, print out enum definition
400 //MD : fixed in generateEnumDefinition to do not print the same enum
401 //twice.
402 if(ev->type != 0)
403 for(pos1 = 0; pos1 < ev->type->fields.position; pos1++){
404 fld = (field *)ev->type->fields.array[pos1];
405 if(fld->type->type == ENUM) generateEnumDefinition(fp, fld->type);
406 }
408 //default: no string, array or sequence in the event
409 hasStrSeq = 0;
410 whichTypeFirst = 0;
411 structCount = 0;
413 //structure for kernel
414 if(ev->type != 0)
415 printStruct(fp, ev->type->fields.position, ev->type->fields.array,
416 ev->name, facName, &whichTypeFirst, &hasStrSeq, &structCount);
418 //trace function : function name and parameters
419 seqCount = 0;
420 strCount = 0;
421 fprintf(fp,"static inline void trace_%s_%s(",facName,ev->name);
422 if(ev->type == 0)
423 fprintf(fp, "void");
424 else
425 for(pos1 = 0; pos1 < ev->type->fields.position; pos1++){
426 fld = (field *)ev->type->fields.array[pos1];
427 td = fld->type;
428 if(td->type == ARRAY ){
429 fprintf(fp,"%s * %s",getTypeStr(td), fld->name);
430 }else if(td->type == STRING){
431 fprintf(fp,"short int strlength_%d, %s * %s",
432 ++strCount, getTypeStr(td), fld->name);
433 }else if(td->type == SEQUENCE){
434 fprintf(fp,"%s seqlength_%d, %s * %s",
435 uintOutputTypes[td->size], ++seqCount,getTypeStr(td), fld->name);
436 }else fprintf(fp,"%s %s",getTypeStr(td), fld->name);
437 if(pos1 != ev->type->fields.position - 1) fprintf(fp,", ");
438 }
439 fprintf(fp,")\n{\n");
441 //length of buffer : length of all structures
442 fprintf(fp,"\tint length = ");
443 if(ev->type == 0) fprintf(fp, "0");
445 for(pos1=0;pos1<structCount;pos1++){
446 fprintf(fp,"sizeof(struct %s_%s_%d)",ev->name, facName,pos1+1);
447 if(pos1 != structCount-1) fprintf(fp," + ");
448 }
450 //length of buffer : length of all arrays, sequences and strings
451 seqCount = 0;
452 strCount = 0;
453 flag = 0;
454 if(ev->type != 0)
455 for(pos1 = 0; pos1 < ev->type->fields.position; pos1++){
456 fld = (field *)ev->type->fields.array[pos1];
457 td = fld->type;
458 if(td->type == SEQUENCE || td->type==STRING || td->type==ARRAY){
459 if(structCount || flag > 0) fprintf(fp," + ");
460 if(td->type == SEQUENCE)
461 fprintf(fp,"sizeof(%s) + sizeof(%s) * seqlength_%d",
462 uintOutputTypes[td->size], getTypeStr(td), ++seqCount);
463 else if(td->type==STRING) fprintf(fp,"strlength_%d + 1", ++strCount);
464 else if(td->type==ARRAY)
465 fprintf(fp,"sizeof(%s) * %d", getTypeStr(td),td->size);
466 if(structCount == 0) flag = 1;
467 }
468 }
469 fprintf(fp,";\n");
471 //allocate buffer
472 // MD no more need. fprintf(fp,"\tchar buff[buflength];\n");
473 // write directly to the channel
474 fprintf(fp, "\tunsigned int index;\n");
475 fprintf(fp, "\tstruct ltt_channel_struct *channel;\n");
476 fprintf(fp, "\tstruct ltt_trace_struct *trace;\n");
477 fprintf(fp, "\tunsigned long _flags;\n");
478 if(ev->type != 0)
479 fprintf(fp, "\tstruct %s_%s_1* __1;\n\n", ev->name, facName);
481 fprintf(fp, "\tread_lock(&ltt_traces.traces_rwlock);\n\n");
482 fprintf(fp,
483 "\tif(ltt_traces.num_active_traces == 0) goto unlock_traces;\n\n");
485 fprintf(fp,
486 "\tindex = ltt_get_index_from_facility(ltt_facility_%s_%X,\n"\
487 "\t\t\t\tevent_%s);\n",
488 facName, checksum, ev->name);
489 fprintf(fp,"\n");
491 fprintf(fp, "\t/* Disable interrupts. */\n");
492 fprintf(fp, "\tlocal_irq_save(_flags);\n\n");
494 /* For each trace */
495 fprintf(fp, "\tlist_for_each_entry(trace, &ltt_traces.head, list) {\n");
496 fprintf(fp, "\t\tif(!trace->active) continue;\n\n");
498 fprintf(fp, "\t\tunsigned int header_length = "
499 "ltt_get_event_header_size(trace);\n");
500 fprintf(fp, "\t\tunsigned int event_length = header_length + length;\n");
502 /* Reserve the channel */
503 fprintf(fp, "\t\tchannel = ltt_get_channel_from_index(trace, index);\n");
504 fprintf(fp,
505 "\t\tvoid *buff = relay_reserve(channel->rchan, event_length);\n");
506 fprintf(fp, "\t\tif(buff == NULL) {\n");
507 fprintf(fp, "\t\t\t/* Buffer is full*/\n");
508 fprintf(fp, "\t\t\t/* for debug BUG(); */\n"); // DEBUG!
509 fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tchannel->events_lost[smp_processor_id()]++;\n");
510 fprintf(fp, "\t\t\tbreak;\n"); /* don't commit a NULL reservation! */
511 fprintf(fp, "\t\t}\n");
513 /* DEBUG */
514 fprintf(fp, "/* for debug printk(\"f%%lu e\%%u \", ltt_facility_%s_%X, event_%s); */",
515 facName, checksum, ev->name);
517 /* Write the header */
518 fprintf(fp, "\n");
519 fprintf(fp, "\t\tltt_write_event_header(trace, channel, buff, \n"
520 "\t\t\t\tltt_facility_%s_%X, event_%s, length);\n",
521 facName, checksum, ev->name);
522 fprintf(fp, "\n");
524 //declare a char pointer if needed : starts at the end of the structs.
525 if(structCount + hasStrSeq > 1) {
526 fprintf(fp,"\t\tchar * ptr = (char*)buff + header_length");
527 for(pos1=0;pos1<structCount;pos1++){
528 fprintf(fp," + sizeof(struct %s_%s_%d)",ev->name, facName,pos1+1);
529 }
530 if(structCount + hasStrSeq > 1) fprintf(fp,";\n");
531 }
533 // Declare an alias pointer of the struct type to the beginning
534 // of the reserved area, just after the event header.
535 if(ev->type != 0)
536 fprintf(fp, "\t\t__1 = (struct %s_%s_1 *)(buff + header_length);\n",
537 ev->name, facName);
538 //allocate memory for new struct and initialize it
539 //if(whichTypeFirst == 1){ //struct first
540 //for(pos1=0;pos1<structCount;pos1++){
541 // if(pos1==0) fprintf(fp,
542 // "\tstruct %s_%s_1 * __1 = (struct %s_%s_1 *)buff;\n",
543 // ev->name, facName,ev->name, facName);
544 //MD disabled else fprintf(fp,
545 // "\tstruct %s_%s_%d __%d;\n",
546 // ev->name, facName,pos1+1,pos1+1);
547 //}
548 //}else if(whichTypeFirst == 2){
549 // for(pos1=0;pos1<structCount;pos1++)
550 // fprintf(fp,"\tstruct %s_%s_%d __%d;\n",
551 // ev->name, facName,pos1+1,pos1+1);
552 //}
553 fprintf(fp,"\n");
555 if(structCount) fprintf(fp,"\t\t//initialize structs\n");
556 //flag = 0;
557 //structCount = 0;
558 if(ev->type != 0)
559 for(pos1 = 0; pos1 < ev->type->fields.position; pos1++){
560 fld = (field *)ev->type->fields.array[pos1];
561 td = fld->type;
562 if(td->type != ARRAY && td->type != SEQUENCE && td->type != STRING){
563 //if(flag == 0){
564 // flag = 1;
565 // structCount++;
566 // if(structCount > 1) fprintf(fp,"\n");
567 //}
568 fprintf(fp, "\t\t__1->%s = %s;\n", fld->name, fld->name );
570 //if(structCount == 1 && whichTypeFirst == 1)
571 // fprintf(fp, "\t__1->%s = %s;\n",fld->name,fld->name );
572 //else
573 // fprintf(fp, "\t__%d.%s = %s;\n",structCount ,fld->name,fld->name);
574 }
575 //else flag = 0;
576 }
577 if(structCount) fprintf(fp,"\n");
578 //set ptr to the end of first struct if needed;
579 if(structCount + hasStrSeq > 1){
580 fprintf(fp,"\n\t\t//set ptr to the end of the first struct\n");
581 fprintf(fp,"\t\tptr += sizeof(struct %s_%s_1);\n\n",ev->name, facName);
582 }
584 //copy struct, sequence and string to buffer
585 seqCount = 0;
586 strCount = 0;
587 flag = 0;
588 structCount = 0;
589 if(ev->type != 0)
590 for(pos1 = 0; pos1 < ev->type->fields.position; pos1++){
591 fld = (field *)ev->type->fields.array[pos1];
592 td = fld->type;
593 // if(td->type != STRING && td->type != SEQUENCE && td->type != ARRAY){
594 // if(flag == 0) structCount++;
595 // flag++;
596 // if((structCount > 1 || whichTypeFirst == 2) && flag == 1){
597 // assert(0); // MD : disabled !
598 // fprintf(fp,"\t//copy struct to buffer\n");
599 // fprintf(fp,"\tmemcpy(ptr, &__%d, sizeof(struct %s_%s_%d));\n",
600 // structCount, ev->name, facName,structCount);
601 // fprintf(fp,"\tptr += sizeof(struct %s_%s_%d);\n\n",
602 // ev->name, facName,structCount);
603 // }
604 // }
605 //else if(td->type == SEQUENCE){
606 if(td->type == SEQUENCE){
607 flag = 0;
608 fprintf(fp,"\t\t//copy sequence length and sequence to buffer\n");
609 fprintf(fp,"\t\t*ptr = seqlength_%d;\n",++seqCount);
610 fprintf(fp,"\t\tptr += sizeof(%s);\n",uintOutputTypes[td->size]);
611 fprintf(fp,"\t\tmemcpy(ptr, %s, sizeof(%s) * seqlength_%d);\n",
612 fld->name, getTypeStr(td), seqCount);
613 fprintf(fp,"\t\tptr += sizeof(%s) * seqlength_%d;\n\n",
614 getTypeStr(td), seqCount);
615 }
616 else if(td->type==STRING){
617 flag = 0;
618 fprintf(fp,"\t\t//copy string to buffer\n");
619 fprintf(fp,"\t\tif(strlength_%d > 0){\n",++strCount);
620 fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tmemcpy(ptr, %s, strlength_%d + 1);\n",
621 fld->name, strCount);
622 fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tptr += strlength_%d + 1;\n",strCount);
623 fprintf(fp,"\t\t}else{\n");
624 fprintf(fp,"\t\t\t*ptr = '\\0';\n");
625 fprintf(fp,"\t\t\tptr += 1;\n");
626 fprintf(fp,"\t\t}\n\n");
627 }else if(td->type==ARRAY){
628 flag = 0;
629 fprintf(fp,"\t//copy array to buffer\n");
630 fprintf(fp,"\tmemcpy(ptr, %s, sizeof(%s) * %d);\n",
631 fld->name, getTypeStr(td), td->size);
632 fprintf(fp,"\tptr += sizeof(%s) * %d;\n\n", getTypeStr(td), td->size);
633 }
634 }
635 if(structCount + seqCount > 1) fprintf(fp,"\n");
637 fprintf(fp,"\n");
638 fprintf(fp, "\t\t/* Commit the work */\n");
639 fprintf(fp, "\t\trelay_commit(channel->rchan->buf[smp_processor_id()],\n"
640 "\t\t\t\tbuff, event_length);\n");
642 /* End of traces iteration */
643 fprintf(fp, "\t}\n\n");
645 fprintf(fp, "\t/* Re-enable interrupts */\n");
646 fprintf(fp, "\tlocal_irq_restore(_flags);\n");
647 fprintf(fp, "\tpreempt_check_resched();\n");
649 fprintf(fp, "\n");
650 fprintf(fp, "unlock_traces:\n");
651 fprintf(fp, "\tread_unlock(&ltt_traces.traces_rwlock);\n");
652 //call trace function
653 //fprintf(fp,"\n\t//call trace function\n");
654 //fprintf(fp,"\tltt_log_event(ltt_facility_%s_%X, %s, bufLength, buff);\n",facName,checksum,ev->name);
655 fprintf(fp,"}\n\n\n");
656 }
658 }
660 /*****************************************************************************
661 *Function name
662 * getTypeStr : generate type string
663 *Input Params
664 * td : a type descriptor
665 *Return Values
666 * char * : type string
667 ****************************************************************************/
668 char * getTypeStr(type_descriptor * td){
669 type_descriptor * t ;
671 switch(td->type){
672 case INT:
673 return intOutputTypes[td->size];
674 case UINT:
675 return uintOutputTypes[td->size];
676 case POINTER:
677 return "void *";
678 case LONG:
679 return "long";
680 case ULONG:
681 return "unsigned long";
682 case SIZE_T:
683 return "size_t";
684 case SSIZE_T:
685 return "ssize_t";
686 case OFF_T:
687 return "off_t";
688 case FLOAT:
689 return floatOutputTypes[td->size];
690 case STRING:
691 return "const char";
692 case ENUM:
693 return uintOutputTypes[td->size];
694 case ARRAY:
695 case SEQUENCE:
696 t = td->nested_type;
697 switch(t->type){
698 case INT:
699 return intOutputTypes[t->size];
700 case UINT:
701 return uintOutputTypes[t->size];
702 case POINTER:
703 return "void *";
704 case LONG:
705 return "long";
706 case ULONG:
707 return "unsigned long";
708 case SIZE_T:
709 return "size_t";
710 case SSIZE_T:
711 return "ssize_t";
712 case OFF_T:
713 return "off_t";
714 case FLOAT:
715 return floatOutputTypes[t->size];
716 case STRING:
717 return "const char";
718 case ENUM:
719 return uintOutputTypes[t->size];
720 default :
721 error_callback(NULL,"Nested struct is not supportted");
722 break;
723 }
724 break;
725 case STRUCT: //for now we do not support nested struct
726 error_callback(NULL,"Nested struct is not supportted");
727 break;
728 default:
729 error_callback(NULL,"No type information");
730 break;
731 }
732 return NULL;
733 }
735 /*****************************************************************************
736 *Function name
737 * generateLoaderfile: generate a facility loaded .h file
738 *Input Params
739 * fp : file to be written to
740 * facName : name of facility
741 * nbEvent : number of events in the facility
742 * checksum : checksum for the facility
743 ****************************************************************************/
744 void generateLoaderfile(FILE * fp, char * facName, int nbEvent, unsigned long checksum, char *capname){
745 fprintf(fp, "#ifndef _LTT_FACILITY_LOADER_%s_H_\n",capname);
746 fprintf(fp, "#define _LTT_FACILITY_LOADER_%s_H_\n\n",capname);
747 fprintf(fp,"#include <linux/ltt-facilities.h>\n", facName, checksum);
748 fprintf(fp,"ltt_facility_t\tltt_facility_%s;\n", facName, checksum);
749 fprintf(fp,"ltt_facility_t\tltt_facility_%s_%X;\n\n", facName, checksum);
751 fprintf(fp,"#define LTT_FACILITY_SYMBOL\t\t\t\t\t\t\tltt_facility_%s\n",
752 facName);
753 fprintf(fp,"#define LTT_FACILITY_CHECKSUM_SYMBOL\t\tltt_facility_%s_%X\n",
754 facName, checksum);
755 fprintf(fp,"#define LTT_FACILITY_CHECKSUM\t\t\t\t\t\t0x%X\n", checksum);
756 fprintf(fp,"#define LTT_FACILITY_NAME\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"%s\"\n", facName);
757 fprintf(fp,"#define LTT_FACILITY_NUM_EVENTS\t\t\t\t\t%d\n\n", nbEvent);
758 fprintf(fp, "#endif //_LTT_FACILITY_LOADER_%s_H_\n",capname);
759 }
761 void generateCfile(FILE * fp, char * filefacname){
763 fprintf(fp, "/*\n");
764 fprintf(fp, " * ltt-facility-loader-%s.c\n", filefacname);
765 fprintf(fp, " *\n");
766 fprintf(fp, " * (C) Copyright 2005 - \n");
767 fprintf(fp, " * Mathieu Desnoyers (mathieu.desnoyers@polymtl.ca)\n");
768 fprintf(fp, " *\n");
769 fprintf(fp, " * Contains the LTT facility loader.\n");
770 fprintf(fp, " *\n");
771 fprintf(fp, " */\n");
772 fprintf(fp, "\n");
773 fprintf(fp, "\n");
774 fprintf(fp, "#include <linux/ltt-facilities.h>\n");
775 fprintf(fp, "#include <linux/module.h>\n");
776 fprintf(fp, "#include <linux/init.h>\n");
777 fprintf(fp, "#include <linux/config.h>\n");
778 fprintf(fp, "#include \"ltt-facility-loader-%s.h\"\n", filefacname);
779 fprintf(fp, "\n");
780 fprintf(fp, "\n");
781 fprintf(fp, "#ifdef CONFIG_LTT\n");
782 fprintf(fp, "\n");
785 fprintf(fp, "\n");
786 fprintf(fp, "static const char ltt_facility_name[] = LTT_FACILITY_NAME;\n");
787 fprintf(fp, "\n");
788 fprintf(fp, "#define SYMBOL_STRING(sym) #sym\n");
789 fprintf(fp, "\n");
790 fprintf(fp, "static struct ltt_facility facility = {\n");
791 fprintf(fp, "\t.name = ltt_facility_name,\n");
792 fprintf(fp, "\t.num_events = LTT_FACILITY_NUM_EVENTS,\n");
793 fprintf(fp, "\t.checksum = LTT_FACILITY_CHECKSUM,\n");
794 fprintf(fp, "\t.symbol = SYMBOL_STRING(LTT_FACILITY_SYMBOL)\n");
795 fprintf(fp, "};\n");
796 fprintf(fp, "\n");
797 fprintf(fp, "#ifndef MODULE\n");
798 fprintf(fp, "\n");
799 fprintf(fp, "/* Built-in facility. */\n");
800 fprintf(fp, "\n");
801 fprintf(fp, "static int __init facility_init(void)\n");
802 fprintf(fp, "{\n");
803 fprintf(fp, "\tprintk(KERN_INFO \"LTT : ltt-facility-%s init in kernel\\n\");\n", filefacname);
804 fprintf(fp, "\n");
805 fprintf(fp, "\tLTT_FACILITY_SYMBOL = ltt_facility_builtin_register(&facility);\n");
807 fprintf(fp, "\t\n");
808 fprintf(fp, "\treturn LTT_FACILITY_SYMBOL;\n");
809 fprintf(fp, "}\n");
810 fprintf(fp, "__initcall(facility_init);\n");
811 fprintf(fp, "\n");
812 fprintf(fp, "\n");
813 fprintf(fp, "\n");
814 fprintf(fp, "#else \n");
815 fprintf(fp, "\n");
816 fprintf(fp, "/* Dynamic facility. */\n");
817 fprintf(fp, "\n");
818 fprintf(fp, "static int __init facility_init(void)\n");
819 fprintf(fp, "{\n");
820 fprintf(fp, "\tprintk(KERN_INFO \"LTT : ltt-facility-%s init dynamic\\n\");\n", filefacname);
821 fprintf(fp, "\n");
822 fprintf(fp, "\tLTT_FACILITY_SYMBOL = ltt_facility_dynamic_register(&facility);\n");
824 fprintf(fp, "\n");
825 fprintf(fp, "\treturn LTT_FACILITY_SYMBOL;\n");
826 fprintf(fp, "}\n");
827 fprintf(fp, "\n");
828 fprintf(fp, "static void __exit facility_exit(void)\n");
829 fprintf(fp, "{\n");
830 fprintf(fp, "\tint err;\n");
831 fprintf(fp, "\n");
832 fprintf(fp, "\terr = ltt_facility_dynamic_unregister(LTT_FACILITY_SYMBOL);\n");
833 fprintf(fp, "\tif(err != 0)\n");
834 fprintf(fp, "\t\tprintk(KERN_ERR \"LTT : Error in unregistering facility.\\n\");\n");
835 fprintf(fp, "\n");
836 fprintf(fp, "}\n");
837 fprintf(fp, "\n");
838 fprintf(fp, "module_init(facility_init)\n");
839 fprintf(fp, "module_exit(facility_exit)\n");
840 fprintf(fp, "\n");
841 fprintf(fp, "\n");
842 fprintf(fp, "MODULE_LICENSE(\"GPL\");\n");
843 fprintf(fp, "MODULE_AUTHOR(\"Mathieu Desnoyers\");\n");
844 fprintf(fp, "MODULE_DESCRIPTION(\"Linux Trace Toolkit Facility\");\n");
845 fprintf(fp, "\n");
846 fprintf(fp, "#endif //MODULE\n");
847 fprintf(fp, "\n");
848 fprintf(fp, "#endif //CONFIG_LTT\n");
849 }
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