Test queue based queuing
[lttng-ci.git] / dsl / kernel-lttng-modules.seed.groovy
1 enum KernelVersioning {
3 }
5 class BasicVersion implements Comparable<BasicVersion> {
6 int major = -1
7 int minor = -1
8 int revision = -1
9 int build = -1
10 int rc = -1
11 String gitRefs
13 // Default Constructor
14 BasicVersion() {}
16 // Parse a version string of format X.Y.Z.W-A
17 BasicVersion(String version, String ref) {
18 gitRefs = ref
19 def tokenVersion
20 def token
21 if (version.contains('-')) {
22 // Release canditate
23 token = version.tokenize('-')
24 tokenVersion = token[0]
25 if (token[1]?.isInteger()) {
26 rc = token[1].toInteger()
27 }
28 } else {
29 tokenVersion = version
30 }
32 tokenVersion = tokenVersion.tokenize('.')
34 def tagEnum = KernelVersioning.MAJOR
35 tokenVersion.each {
36 if (it?.isInteger()) {
37 switch (tagEnum) {
38 case KernelVersioning.MAJOR:
39 major = it.toInteger()
40 tagEnum = KernelVersioning.MINOR
41 break
42 case KernelVersioning.MINOR:
43 minor = it.toInteger()
44 tagEnum = KernelVersioning.REVISION
45 break
46 case KernelVersioning.REVISION:
47 revision = it.toInteger()
48 tagEnum = KernelVersioning.BUILD
49 break
50 case KernelVersioning.BUILD:
51 build = it.toInteger()
52 tagEnum = -1
53 break
54 default:
55 println("Unsupported version extension")
56 println("Trying to parse: ${version}")
57 println("Invalid sub version value: ${it}")
58 //TODO: throw exception for jenkins
59 }
60 }
61 }
62 }
64 String print() {
65 String ret = ""
66 if (major != -1) {
67 ret += major
68 if (minor != -1) {
69 ret += "." + minor
70 if (revision != -1) {
71 ret += "." + revision
72 if (build != -1) {
73 ret += "." + build
74 }
75 }
76 }
77 if (rc != -1) {
78 ret += "-rc" + rc
79 }
80 }
81 return ret
82 }
84 @Override
85 int compareTo(BasicVersion kernelVersion) {
86 return major <=> kernelVersion.major ?: minor <=> kernelVersion.minor ?: revision <=> kernelVersion.revision ?: build <=> kernelVersion.build ?: rc <=> kernelVersion.rc
87 }
88 }
90 def kernelTagCutOff = new BasicVersion("2.6.36", "")
91 def modulesBranches = ["master", "stable-2.5", "stable-2.6"]
93 //def modulesBranches = ["master","stable-2.5","stable-2.6", "stable-2.4"]
95 def linuxURL = "git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git"
96 def modulesURL = "https://github.com/lttng/lttng-modules.git"
98 // Linux specific variable
99 String linuxCheckoutTo = "linux-source"
100 String recipeCheckoutTo = "recipe"
101 String modulesCheckoutTo = "lttng-modules"
103 def linuxGitReference = "/home/jenkins/gitcache/linux-stable.git"
105 // Check if we are on jenkins
106 // Useful for outside jenkins devellopment related to groovy only scripting
107 def isJenkinsInstance = binding.variables.containsKey('JENKINS_HOME')
109 // Fetch tags and format
110 // Split the string into sections based on |
111 // And pipe the results together
112 String process = "git ls-remote -t $linuxURL | cut -c42- | sort -V"
113 def out = new StringBuilder()
114 def err = new StringBuilder()
115 Process result = process.tokenize( '|' ).inject( null ) { p, c ->
116 if( p )
117 p | c.execute()
118 else
119 c.execute()
120 }
122 result.waitForProcessOutput(out,err)
124 if ( result.exitValue() == 0 ) {
125 def branches = out.readLines().collect {
126 // Scrap special string tag
127 it.replaceAll("\\^\\{\\}", '')
128 }
130 branches = branches.unique()
132 List versions = []
133 branches.each { branch ->
134 def stripBranch = branch.replaceAll("rc", '').replaceAll(/refs\/tags\/v/,'')
135 BasicVersion kVersion = new BasicVersion(stripBranch, branch)
136 versions.add(kVersion)
137 }
139 // Sort the version via Comparable implementation of KernelVersion
140 versions = versions.sort()
142 // Find the version cutoff
143 def cutoffPos = versions.findIndexOf{(it.major >= kernelTagCutOff.major) && (it.minor >= kernelTagCutOff.minor) && (it.revision >= kernelTagCutOff.revision) && (it.build >= kernelTagCutOff.build) && (it.rc >= kernelTagCutOff.rc)}
145 // If error set cutoff on last so no job are created
146 if (cutoffPos == -1) {
147 cutoffPos = versions.size()
148 }
149 // Get last version and include only last rc
150 def last
151 def lastNoRcPos
152 last = versions.last()
153 if (last.rc != -1) {
154 int i = versions.size()-1
155 while (i > -1 && versions[i].rc != -1 ) {
156 i--
157 }
158 lastNoRcPos = i + 1
159 } else {
160 lastNoRcPos = versions.size()
161 }
163 String modulesPrefix = "lttng-modules"
164 String kernelPrefix = "dsl-kernel"
165 String separator = "-"
168 println("CutOff index")
169 println(cutoffPos)
172 // Actual job creation
173 for (int i = cutoffPos; i < versions.size() ; i++) {
175 // Only create for valid build
176 if ( (i < lastNoRcPos && versions[i].rc == -1) || (i >= lastNoRcPos)) {
177 println ("Preparing job for")
179 String jobName = kernelPrefix + separator + versions[i].print()
181 // Generate modules job based on supported modules jobs
182 def modulesJob = [:]
183 modulesBranches.each { branch ->
184 modulesJob[branch] = modulesPrefix + separator + branch + separator + jobName
185 }
187 // Jenkins only dsl
188 println(jobName)
189 if (isJenkinsInstance) {
190 matrixJob("${jobName}") {
191 using("linux-master")
192 scm {
193 git {
194 remote {
195 url("${linuxURL}")
196 }
197 branch(versions[i].gitRefs)
198 shallowClone(true)
199 relativeTargetDir(linuxCheckoutTo)
200 reference(linuxGitReference)
201 }
202 }
203 publishers {
204 modulesJob.each {
205 downstream(it.value, 'SUCCESS')
206 }
207 }
208 }
209 }
210 // Corresponding Module job
211 modulesJob.each { job ->
212 println("\t" + job.key + " " + job.value)
213 if (isJenkinsInstance) {
214 matrixJob(job.value) {
215 using("modules")
216 multiscm {
217 git {
218 remote {
219 name(kernelPrefix)
220 url("${linuxURL}")
221 }
222 branch(versions[i].gitRefs)
223 shallowClone(true)
224 relativeTargetDir(linuxCheckoutTo)
225 reference(linuxGitReference)
226 }
227 git {
228 remote {
229 name(modulesPrefix)
230 url(modulesURL)
231 }
232 branch(job.key)
233 relativeTargetDir(modulesCheckoutTo)
234 }
235 }
236 steps {
237 copyArtifacts("${jobName}/arch=\$arch,label=kernel", "linux-artifact/**", '', false, false) {
238 latestSuccessful(true) // Latest successful build
239 }
240 shell(readFileFromWorkspace('lttng-modules/lttng-modules-dsl-master.sh'))
241 }
242 }
243 }
244 }
245 }
246 }
248 // Trigger generations
249 def dslTriggerKernel = """\
250 import hudson.model.*
251 import jenkins.model.*
252 import hudson.AbortException
253 import hudson.console.HyperlinkNote
254 import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException
255 import java.util.Random
258 Random random = new Random()
259 def jobs = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.items
260 def fail = false
261 def jobStartWith = "dsl-kernel-"
262 def toBuild = []
263 def counter = 0
264 def limitQueue = 4
266 def anotherBuild
267 jobs.each { job ->
268 def jobName = job.getName()
269 if (jobName.startsWith(jobStartWith)) {
270 counter = counter + 1
271 def lastBuild = job.getLastBuild()
272 if (lastBuild == null || lastBuild.result != Result.SUCCESS) {
273 toBuild.push(job)
274 } else {
275 println("\\tAlready built")
276 }
277 }
278 }
280 println "Kernel total "+ counter
281 println "Kernel to build "+ toBuild.size()
284 def kernelEnabledNode = 0
285 hudson.model.Hudson.instance.nodes.each { node ->
286 if (node.getLabelString().contains("kernel")){
287 kernelEnabledNode++
288 }
289 }
290 println "Nb of live kernel enabled build node "+ kernelEnabledNode
292 def ongoingBuild = []
293 def q = jenkins.model.Jenkins.getInstance().getQueue()
296 while (toBuild.size() != 0) {
297 // Throttle the build with both the number of current parent task and queued
298 // task.
299 def queuedTask = q.getItems().findAll { it.task.name.startsWith(jobStartWith) }
300 if ((ongoingBuild.size() <= kernelEnabledNode) && (queuedTask.size() < limitQueue)) {
301 def job = toBuild.pop()
302 ongoingBuild.push(job.scheduleBuild2(0))
303 println "\\t trigering" + HyperlinkNote.encodeTo('/' + job.url, job.fullDisplayName)
304 println "Debug: currenlty queued task" + q.getItems().size()
305 } else {
306 Thread.sleep(random.nextInt(120000))
307 ongoingBuild.removeAll{ it.isCancelled() || it.isDone() }
308 }
309 }
311 if (fail){
312 throw new AbortException("Some job failed")
313 }
314 """
315 def dslTriggerModule = """\
316 import hudson.model.*
317 import hudson.AbortException
318 import hudson.console.HyperlinkNote
319 import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException
320 import java.util.Random
323 Random random = new Random()
324 def jobs = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.items
325 def fail = false
326 def jobStartWith = "JOBPREFIX"
327 def toBuild = []
328 def counter = 0
330 def anotherBuild
331 jobs.each { job ->
332 def jobName = job.getName()
333 if (jobName.startsWith(jobStartWith)) {
334 counter = counter + 1
335 toBuild.push(job)
336 }
337 }
339 // Get valid node
340 def kernelEnabledNode = 0
341 hudson.model.Hudson.instance.nodes.each { node ->
342 if (node.getLabelString().contains("kernel")){
343 kernelEnabledNode++
344 }
345 }
347 def ongoingBuild = []
348 while (toBuild.size() != 0) {
349 if(ongoingBuild.size() <= (kernelEnabledNode.intdiv(2))) {
350 def job = toBuild.pop()
351 ongoingBuild.push(job.scheduleBuild2(0))
352 println "\\t trigering " + HyperlinkNote.encodeTo('/' + job.url, job.fullDisplayName)
353 } else {
354 Thread.sleep(random.nextInt(60000))
355 ongoingBuild.removeAll{ it.isCancelled() || it.isDone() }
356 }
357 }
359 if (fail){
360 throw new AbortException("Some job failed")
361 }
362 """
363 if (isJenkinsInstance) {
364 freeStyleJob("dsl-trigger-kernel") {
365 steps {
366 systemGroovyCommand(dslTriggerKernel)
367 }
368 triggers {
369 cron("H 0 * * *")
370 }
371 }
373 modulesBranches.each { branch ->
374 freeStyleJob("dsl-trigger-module-${branch}") {
375 steps {
376 systemGroovyCommand(dslTriggerModule.replaceAll("JOBPREFIX",modulesPrefix + separator + branch + separator))
377 }
378 triggers {
379 scm('@daily')
380 }
381 }
382 }
383 }
384 }
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