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2 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN"
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6 <book>
8 <bookinfo>
9 <title>Linux Trace Toolkit Viewer Developer Guide</title>
10 <authorgroup>
11 <author>
12 <firstname>Mathieu</firstname>
13 <surname>Desnoyers</surname>
14 </author>
15 </authorgroup>
17 <date>01/12/2004</date>
18 <releaseinfo>1.00.00</releaseinfo>
20 <abstract>
21 <para>
22 This document describes the basic steps necessary to develop within the
23 <application>Linux Trace Toolkit Viewer</application> project.
25 </para>
26 </abstract>
28 <keywordset>
29 <keyword>Linux Trace Toolkit Viewer</keyword>
30 <keyword>text</keyword>
31 <keyword>module</keyword>
32 <keyword>context</keyword>
33 </keywordset>
35 </bookinfo>
36 <chapter>
37 <title>Linux Trace Toolkit Viewer Text Module Tutorial</title>
39 <sect1>
40 <title>Introduction</title>
41 <para>
42 This chapter explains all the steps that are necessary to create a text module
43 in LTTV.
44 </para>
45 </sect1>
47 <sect1>
48 <title>A typical module</title>
49 <para>
50 A typical module must have a init() and destroy() function. Please refer to
51 lttv/modules/text/textDump.c for the detail of these functions.
52 </para>
53 <para>
54 The init() function is called when the library is loaded and destroy()
55 inversely. It adds options to the command line by calling "lttv_option_add" from
56 option.h
57 </para>
58 <para>
59 The module communicates with the main lttv program through the use of global
60 attributes. Use lttv/attribute.h, lttv/iattribute.h and lttv/lttv.h, and then
61 LTTV_IATTRIBUTE(lttv_global_attributes()) to get the pointer to these
62 global attributes.
63 </para>
64 <para>
65 You can then add your hooks (functions that follows the prototype of a hook, as
66 defined in lttv/hook.h) in the different hook lists defined in lttv/lttv.h. Note
67 that hooks have an assigned priority. This is necessary to inform the trace
68 reader that a specific hook needs to be called, for example, before or after the
69 state update done for an event by the state module. For that specific example, a
70 hook could use the LTTV_PRIO_STATE-5 to get called before the state update and a
71 second hook could use the LTTV_PRIO_STATE+5 to get called after the state
72 update. This is especially important for graphical module, which is the subject
73 of a the chapter named "Linux Trace Toolkit Viewer Graphical Module Tutorial".
74 </para>
75 <para>
76 You should also take a look at lttv/state.c, where by_id hooks are used. When
77 you only need some specific events, you should use this interface. It makes the
78 event filtering sooner in the dispatch chain : you hook doesn't have to be
79 called for each event, only the ones selected. That improves the performances a
80 lot!
81 </para>
82 <para>
83 Note that you should use the lttv_trace_find_hook method from
84 lttv/tracecontext.h to connect the hook to the right facility/event type. See
85 state.c for an example. A problem that may arise is that the LttvTraceHook
86 structure must be passed as hook_data when registering the hook. In fact, it is
87 not necessary for it to be directly passed as the hook_data parameter. As long
88 as the hook function can access the LttvTraceHook fields necessary to parse the
89 LttEvent, there is no problem. In a complex viewer where you need a pointer to
90 your own data structure, just keep a pointer to the LttvTraceHook structure
91 inside your own data structure, and give to pointer to your data structure in
92 parameter as the hook_data.
93 </para>
94 <para>
95 Then, you should use the macro LTTV_MODULE, defined in lttv/module.h. It allows
96 you to specify the module name, a short and a long description, the init and
97 destroy functions and the module dependencies. That permits to the module
98 backend to load the right dependencies when needed.
99 </para>
100 <para>
101 A typical text module will depend on batchAnalysis for the batch computation of a
102 trace, and simply register before and after trace hooks, as weel as the most
103 important one : a event hook.
104 </para>
105 </sect1>
107 <sect1>
108 <title>The hooks</title>
109 <para>
110 The before and after trace hooks only exists to be able to generate a report at
111 the end of a trace computation. The effective computation is done by the event
112 hooks.
113 </para>
114 <para>
115 These hooks does particular computation on data arriving as argument, a
116 call_data. The type of the call_data, when a hook is called during the trace
117 read, is a traceset context. It contains all the necessary information about the
118 read in progress. This is the base class from which inherits trace set
119 state, and trace set/trace/tracefile state is the base classe of trace
120 set/trace/tracefile statistics. All these types can be casted to another without
121 problem (a TracesetState, for example, can be casted to a TracesetContext, but
122 it's not true for the casting between a TraceContext and a TracesetContext, see
123 the chapter "How to use the trace reading context" for details). They offer the
124 input data and they give a container (the attributes of the trace set/trace/tracefile
125 statistics) to write the output of this hook.
126 </para>
127 <para>
128 The idea behind writing in the attributes container is to provide an extensible
129 way of storing any type of information. For example, a specific module that adds
130 statistics to a trace can store them there, and the statistic printout will
131 automatically include the results produced by the specific module.
132 </para>
133 <para>
134 Output data does not necessarily need to be stored in such a global container
135 though. If we think of data of which we need to keed track during the execution,
136 an event counter for example, we should create our own data structure that
137 contains this counter, and pass the address of the allocated structure as the
138 hook_data parameter of the hook list creation function. That way, the hook will
139 be called with its hook_data as first parameter, which it can read and write. We
140 can think of this structure as the data related to the function that persists
141 between each call to the hook. You must make sure that you cast the hook_data to
142 the type of the structure before you use it in the hook function.
143 </para>
144 <para>
145 The detail about how to access the different fields of the reading context (the
146 hook's call_data) will be discussed in the chapter "How to use the trace
147 reading context".
148 </para>
149 </sect1>
152 </chapter>
155 <chapter>
156 <title>How to use the Linux Trace Toolkit Viewer's Reading Context</title>
158 <sect1>
159 <title>Introduction</title>
160 <para>
161 This chapter describes how to use the Linux Trace Toolkit reading context, a
162 data structure that is given as call data parameter of the modules'callbacks.
163 </para>
164 <para>
165 Linux Trace Toolkit Viewer provides a backend that reads the traces. In combines
166 them in tracesets. A trace is an abstaction over many tracefiles, one per CPU.
167 LTTV reads the whole trace together, providing the events to modules by calling
168 their pre-registered hook lists in a chronological order.
169 </para>
170 </sect1>
172 <sect1>
173 <title>Why an event driven trace reader ?</title>
174 <para>
175 The complexity of synchronizing the tracesets is then hidden to the viewer. Some
176 future plans involve to be able to put many traces together in a trace set.
177 Before this becomes possible, the time of each trace must be synchronized in
178 some way. Some work is actually done to create a module that uses the network
179 traffic shared by different computers to synchronize the time of different
180 traces.
181 </para>
182 <para>
183 In order to make each module integrate well with each other, we made the trace
184 reader a simple hook caller. For each event it reads, it just calls the hook
185 lists for this event. For each event, it calls the by_id specific hooks
186 registered for this event and also the "main" hooks, registered for all events.
187 Note that the two hook lists are merged when called so the priority of the
188 hooks of each list is respected. For example, a hook of higher priority (20) in
189 the main list will be called before a hook of lower priority (40) from the
190 by_id specific list.
191 </para>
192 </sect1>
194 <sect1>
195 <title>Using the reading context</title>
196 <para>
197 If you have read the tutorials about writing a text and a graphic module, you
198 should be fairly ready to use the information provided to your hook by the
199 reading API.
200 </para>
201 <para>
202 The data structures of the reading context are based on the gobject, a
203 object-oriented library from the glib. Some evolved types that are found in the
204 context also comes from the "glib" (GArray, GHashTable and so on). For detailed
205 information about "gobjects" and the "glib", see the <ulink
206 url="http://www.gtk.org">www.gtk.org</ulink> website. They provide a complete
207 API reference about the data types they provide.
208 </para>
209 <para>
210 The reading context is object oriented. It is described by the lttv/tracecontext.h
211 header. Is can be illustrated with this UML class diagram :
212 </para>
213 <para>
214 <screenshot>
215 <mediaobject>
216 <imageobject>
217 <imagedata srccredit="Mathieu Desnoyers, 2004" fileref="lttv-context.png"
218 format="PNG" align="center"/>
219 </imageobject>
220 <imageobject>
221 <imagedata srccredit="Mathieu Desnoyers, 2004"
222 fileref="lttv-context.eps"
223 format="EPS" align="center"/>
224 </imageobject>
225 <!--<imagedata srccredit="Mathieu Desnoyers, 2004" fileref="lttv-numbered-6.svg"
226 format="SVG" align="center" scalefit="1"/>
227 </imageobject>-->
228 <caption><para>Linux Trace Toolkit Viewer Reading Context Class Diagram</para></caption>
229 </mediaobject>
230 </screenshot>
231 </para>
232 <para>
233 Though, for performance's sake, navigating through it is not as encapsulated as
234 it could. Consider the class attributes to be all public (no get/set functions).
235 Sometimes, iteration upon a specific element can be uneasy. For example, you may
236 have to get the number of tracefiles in a trace from the "vt" field of the trace
237 context to be able to iterate over all the tracefiles contained by the trace.
238 </para>
239 <para>
240 To facilitate the common operations on the reading context, LTTV now provides a
241 header that consists of simple macros : lttv/contextmacros.h. It gives an object
242 look-and-feel to the context classes. Simple "GET" macros can be used to easily
243 access the different fields are iterate over the elements (and get the total
244 number of elements too).
245 </para>
246 </sect1>
247 </chapter>
249 <chapter>
250 <title>Linux Trace Toolkit Viewer Graphical Module Tutorial</title>
251 <sect1>
252 <title>Introduction</title>
253 <para>
254 As a matter of fact, most of the things said for the text modules still hold for
255 the graphical modules. However, the fact that every module must instanciate
256 objects (called viewers) more than once changes a little bit the scenario. It is
257 then impossible to use static structures : everything must be instanciated at
258 run-time, except the structures related to the module itself.
259 </para>
260 </sect1>
261 <sect1>
262 <title>The static part of a module</title>
263 <para>
264 A module must have a static part to be able to get loaded just like a text
265 module. Now, let's see the differences. The graphical module depends on the
266 "lttvwindow" module. See module.c from the control flow viewer for an example.
267 </para>
268 <para>
269 The init() and destroy() functions must register functions that can be called by
270 user interaction to instanciate the viewers. That's the goal of
271 lttvwindow_register_constructor() and lttvwindow_unregister_constructor() :
272 they register a function with a menu entry and an icon. The main window will
273 shown them in its interface and call the function when the button or menu item
274 is selected. This hook function must receive a pointer to a "Tab" object in
275 parameter.
276 </para>
277 <para>
278 Also note the presence of the destroy_walk() method. It is called when the
279 module is unloaded : it must destroy all the instances of the viewers from the
280 module.
281 </para>
282 </sect1>
283 <sect1>
284 <title>The dynamic part of a module : the viewer</title>
285 <para>
286 The dynamic part starts with the constructor of the viewer. It is called by the
287 main window when the corresponding button or menu item is selected. See
288 h_guicontrolflow() from control flow viewer eventhooks.c for an example. It does
289 basic connexion to the tab's events available : time window change notification,
290 current time notification, redraw notification, continue notification. All these
291 function should be implemented in your viewer if you want the data you shown to
292 be synchronised with the main window and the other viewers. It also calls the
293 background computation, which will be discussed in the next section.
294 </para>
295 <para>
296 This is also at this point that the viewer does create it's own memory footprint
297 : its inner structure. This structure will have to be passed as hook_data to
298 each function registered by the viewer : this is what makes the functions
299 "belong" to this instance of the viewer.
300 </para>
301 </sect1>
302 <sect1>
303 <title>How to request background computation</title>
304 <para>
305 You will also notice the presence of a request_background_data() called in the
306 constructor. This function, in eventhooks.c, does verify for the presence of the
307 state information that could be precomputed by the main window background
308 computation. If it has not been precomputed, we ask for a computation and show
309 partial data. We also register a hook that will be called (notified) by the main
310 window when the requested data will become ready, so the viewer can update
311 itself with the new data. If no partial information would have made sense in a
312 particular viewer, one could choose to shown a "waiting for computation" message
313 while waiting for the notification. See lttvwindow/lttvwindowtraces.h for the API
314 of the background requests.
315 </para>
316 </sect1>
318 <sect1>
319 <title>How to handle events and use the graphical trace reading service</title>
320 <para>
321 The events that are delivered by the main window are defined in
322 lttvwindow/lttvwindow.h. Let's describe them and their use in details. Remember
323 that you can refer to the control flow viewer module as an example.
324 </para>
326 <sect2>
327 <title>Module Related API</title>
328 <para>
329 A viewer plugin is, before anything, a plugin. As a dynamically loadable
330 module, it thus has an init and a destroy function called whenever it is
331 loaded/initialized and unloaded/destroyed. A graphical module depends on
332 lttvwindow for construction of its viewer instances. In order to achieve
333 this, it must register its constructor function to the main window along
334 with button description or text menu entry description. A module keeps
335 a list of every viewer that currently sits in memory so it can destroy
336 them before the module gets unloaded/destroyed.
337 </para>
338 <para>
339 The contructor registration to the main windows adds button and menu
340 entry to each main window, thus allowing instanciation of viewers.
341 </para>
342 </sect2>
343 <sect2>
344 <title>Main Window</title>
345 <para>
346 The main window is a container that offers menus, buttons and a
347 notebook. Some of those menus and buttons are part of the core of the
348 main window, others are dynamically added and removed when modules are
349 loaded/unloaded.
350 </para>
351 <para>
352 The notebook contains as much tabs as wanted. Each tab is linked with
353 a set of traces (traceset). Each trace contains many tracefiles (one
354 per cpu). A trace corresponds to a kernel being traced. A traceset
355 corresponds to many traces read together. The time span of a traceset
356 goes from the earliest start of all the traces to the latest end of all
357 the traces.
358 </para>
359 <para>
360 Inside each tab are added the viewers. When they interact with the main
361 window through the lttvwindow API, they affect the other viewers located
362 in the same tab as they are.
363 </para>
364 <para>
365 The insertion of many viewers in a tab permits a quick look at all the
366 information wanted in a glance. The main window does merge the read
367 requests from all the viewers in the same tab in a way that every viewer
368 will get exactly the events it asked for, while the event reading loop
369 and state update are shared. It improves performance of events delivery
370 to the viewers.
371 </para>
372 </sect2>
374 <sect2>
375 <title>Viewer Instance Related API</title>
376 <para>
377 The lifetime of a viewer is as follows. The viewer constructor function
378 is called each time an instance view is created (one subwindow of this
379 viewer type is created by the user either by clicking on the menu item
380 or the button corresponding to the viewer). Thereafter, the viewer gets
381 hooks called for different purposes by the window containing it. These
382 hooks are detailed below. It also has to deal with GTK Events. Finally,
383 it can be destructed by having its top level widget unreferenced by the
384 main window or by any GTK Event causing a "destroy-event" signal on the
385 its top widget. Another possible way for it do be destroyed is if the
386 module gets unloaded. The module unload function will have to emit a
387 "destroy" signal on each top level widget of all instances of its viewers.
388 </para>
389 </sect2>
390 <sect2>
391 <title>Notices from Main Window</title>
392 <variablelist>
393 <varlistentry>
394 <term>time_window</term>
395 <listitem>
396 <simpara>This is the time interval visible on the viewer's tab. Every
397 viewer that cares about being synchronised by respect to the
398 time with other viewers should register to this notification.
399 They should redraw all or part of their display when this
400 occurs.</simpara>
401 </listitem>
402 </varlistentry>
403 <varlistentry>
404 <term>traceset</term>
405 <listitem>
406 <simpara>This notification is called whenever a trace is added/removed
407 from the traceset. As it affects all the data displayed by the
408 viewer, it sould redraw itself totally.</simpara>
409 </listitem>
410 </varlistentry>
412 <varlistentry>
413 <term>filter</term>
414 <listitem>
415 <simpara>This feature has not been implemented yet.</simpara>
416 </listitem>
417 </varlistentry>
419 <varlistentry>
420 <term>current_time</term>
421 <listitem>
422 <simpara>Being able to zoom nearer a specific time or highlight a specific
423 time on every viewer in synchronicity implies that the viewer
424 has to shown a visual sign over the drawing or select an event
425 when it receives this notice. It should also inform the main
426 window with the appropriate report API function when a user
427 selects a specific time as being the current time.</simpara>
428 </listitem>
429 </varlistentry>
431 <varlistentry>
432 <term>dividor</term>
433 <listitem>
434 <simpara>This notice links the positions of the horizontal dividors
435 between the graphic display zone of every viewer and their Y axis,
436 typically showing processes, cpus, ...</simpara>
437 </listitem>
438 </varlistentry>
439 </variablelist>
440 </sect2>
441 <sect2>
442 <title>Reporting Changes to the Main Window</title>
443 <para>
444 In most cases, the enclosing window knows about updates such as described
445 in the Notification section higher. There are a few cases, however, where
446 updates are caused by actions known by a view instance. For example,
447 clicking in a view may update the current time; all viewers within
448 the same window must be told about the new current time to change the
449 currently highlighted time point. A viewer reports such events by calling
450 lttvwindow_report_current_time on its lttvwindow. The lttvwindow will
451 consequently call current_time_notify for each of its contained viewers.
452 </para>
453 <para>
454 Available report methods are :
455 <itemizedlist>
456 <listitem>
457 <simpara>
458 lttvwindow_report_time_window : reports the new time window.
459 </simpara>
460 </listitem>
461 <listitem>
462 <simpara>
463 lttvwindow_report_current_time : reports the new current time.
464 </simpara>
465 </listitem>
466 <listitem>
467 <simpara>
468 lttvwindow_report_dividor : reports the new horizontal dividor's position.
469 </simpara>
470 </listitem>
471 </itemizedlist>
472 </para>
473 </sect2>
475 <sect2>
476 <title>Requesting Events to Main Window</title>
477 <para>
478 Events can be requested by passing a EventsRequest structure to the main
479 window. They will be delivered later when the next g_idle functions
480 will be called. Event delivery is done by calling the event hook for
481 this event ID, or the main event hooks. A pointer to the EventsRequest
482 structure is passed as hook_data to the event hooks of the viewers.
483 </para>
484 <para>
485 EventsRequest consists in
486 <itemizedlist>
487 <listitem>
488 <simpara>
489 a pointer to the viewer specific data structure
490 </simpara>
491 </listitem>
492 <listitem>
493 <simpara>
494 a start timestamp or position
495 </simpara>
496 </listitem>
497 <listitem>
498 <simpara>
499 a stop_flag, ending the read process when set to TRUE
500 </simpara>
501 </listitem>
502 <listitem>
503 <simpara>
504 a end timestamp and/or position and/or number of events to read
505 </simpara>
506 </listitem>
507 <listitem>
508 <simpara>
509 hook lists to call for traceset/trace/tracefile begin and end, and for each
510 event (event hooks and event_by_id hooks).
511 </simpara>
512 </listitem>
513 </itemizedlist>
514 </para>
515 <para>
516 The main window will deliver events for every EventRequests it has
517 pending through an algorithm that guarantee that all events requested,
518 and only them, will be delivered to the viewer between the call of the
519 tracefile_begin hooks and the call of the tracefile_end hooks.
520 </para>
521 <para>
522 If a viewer wants to stop the event request at a certain point inside the
523 event hooks, it has to set the stop_flag to TRUE and return TRUE from the
524 hook function. Then return value will stop the process traceset. Then,
525 the main window will look for the stop_flag and remove the EventRequests
526 from its lists, calling the process_traceset_end for this request (it
527 removes hooks from the context and calls the after hooks).
528 </para>
529 <para>
530 It no stop_flag is risen, the end timestamp, end position or number
531 of events to read has to be reached to determine the end of the
532 request. Otherwise, the end of traceset does determine it.
533 </para>
534 </sect2>
535 <sect2>
536 <title>GTK Events</title>
537 <sect3>
538 <title>Events and Signals</title>
539 <para>
540 GTK is quite different from the other graphical toolkits around
541 there. The main difference resides in that there are many X Windows
542 inside one GtkWindow, instead of just one. That means that X events are
543 delivered by the glib main loop directly to the widget corresponding to
544 the GdkWindow affected by the X event.
545 </para>
546 <para>
547 Event delivery to a widget emits a signal on that widget. Then, if a
548 handler is connected to this widget's signal, it will be executed. There
549 are default handlers for signals, connected at class instantiation
550 time. There is also the possibility to connect other handlers to these
551 signals, which is what should be done in most cases when a viewer needs
552 to interact with X in any way.
553 </para>
555 <para>
556 Signal emission and propagation is described there :
558 <itemizedlist>
559 <listitem>
560 <simpara>
561 http://www.gtk.org/tutorial/sec-signalemissionandpropagation.html
562 </simpara>
563 </listitem>
564 </itemizedlist>
565 </para>
567 <para>
568 For further information on the GTK main loop (now a wrapper over glib main loop)
569 see :
571 <itemizedlist>
572 <listitem>
573 <simpara>
574 http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gtk/gtk-General.html
575 </simpara>
576 </listitem>
577 <listitem>
578 <simpara>
579 http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/glib/glib-The-Main-Event-Loop.html
580 </simpara>
581 </listitem>
582 </itemizedlist>
583 </para>
586 <para>
587 For documentation on event handling in GTK/GDK, see :
589 <itemizedlist>
590 <listitem>
591 <simpara>
592 http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gdk/gdk-Events.html
593 </simpara>
594 </listitem>
595 <listitem>
596 <simpara>
597 http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gdk/gdk-Event-Structures.html
598 </simpara>
599 </listitem>
600 </itemizedlist>
601 </para>
604 <para>
605 Signals can be connected to handlers, emitted, propagated, blocked,
606 stopped. See :
608 <itemizedlist>
609 <listitem>
610 <simpara>
611 http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gobject/gobject-Signals.html
612 </simpara>
613 </listitem>
614 </itemizedlist>
615 </para>
617 </sect3>
620 <sect3>
621 <title>The "expose_event"</title>
622 <para>
623 Provides the exposed region in the GdkEventExpose structure.
624 </para>
625 <para>
626 There are two ways of dealing with exposures. The first one is to directly
627 draw on the screen and the second one is to draw in a pixmap buffer,
628 and then to update the screen when necessary.
629 </para>
630 <para>
631 In the first case, the expose event will be responsible for registering
632 hooks to process_traceset and require time intervals to the main
633 window. So, in this scenario, if a part of the screen is damaged, the
634 trace has to be read to redraw the screen.
635 </para>
636 <para>
637 In the second case, with a pixmap buffer, the expose handler is only
638 responsible of showing the pixmap buffer on the screen. If the pixmap
639 buffer has never been filled with a drawing, the expose handler may ask
640 for it to be filled.
641 </para>
642 <para>
643 The interest of using events request to the main window instead of reading
644 the events directly from the trace comes from the fact that the main
645 window does merge requests from the different viewers in the same tab so
646 that the read loop and the state update is shared. As viewers will, in
647 the common scenario, request the same events, only one pass through the
648 trace that will call the right hooks for the right intervals will be done.
649 </para>
650 <para>
651 When the traceset read is over for a events request, the traceset_end
652 hook is called. It has the responsibility of finishing the drawing if
653 some parts still need to be drawn and to show it on the screen (if the
654 viewer uses a pixmap buffer).
655 </para>
656 <para>
657 It can add dotted lines and such visual effects to enhance the user's
658 experience.
659 </para>
660 </sect3>
661 </sect2>
662 </sect1>
664 </chapter>
668 </book>
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