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8<H1><TT><FONT color=#ff0000>SPIN README</FONT></TT></H1>
10<H2><TT>Overview of this File</TT></H2>
12 <LI><A href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Man/README.html#S2">Downloading Spin</A>
13 <LI><A href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Man/README.html#S1">Installing Spin</A>
14 <LI><A href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Man/README.html#S3">Related software
15 (gcc, cpp, tcl/tk wish, yacc, dot, jspin, ltl2ba)</A> </LI></OL>
18<H2><TT>0. Overview</TT></H2>This readme file contains the guidelines for
19downloading and installing Spin and related software on Unix/Linux and Windows
20platforms. Refer to <A href="http://spinroot.com/spin/whatispin.html">Spin's
21homepage</A> for a general description of Spin, with pointers to <A
22href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Man/index.html">manual pages</A>, <A
24<p>Spin is distributed in source form to encourage research in formal
25verification, and to help a support friendly and open exchange of algorithms,
26ideas, and tools. The software itself has a copyright from Lucent Technologies
27and Bell Laboratories, and is distributed for research and educational purposes
28only (i.e., no guarantee of any kind is implied by the distribution of the code,
29and all rights are reserved by the copyright holder). For this general use of
30Spin, no license is required.
31<p>Commercial application of the Spin software is also allowed, but requires the
32acceptance of a basic license. Refer to the <A
33href="http://www.spinroot.com/spin/spin_license.html">Spin Public license</A> for details.
37<H2><TT><A name=S2>1. Downloading Spin</A></TT></H2>Spin runs on Unix,
38Solaris, and Linux machines, on most flavors of Windows PCs, and on Macs.
39Precompiled binary executables for some popular types of machines are available
40in the
41<A href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Bin/index.html">Spin Binaries</A>.
43All binaries have an extension that matches the Spin version number,
44such as <tt>spin427.exe</tt>. To install the binary, rename it to
45<tt>spin.exe</tt> and copy it into your bin directory.
47If you have machine type that is not available there, or if you are
48installing Spin for the first time, then follow the more detailed instructions
51 <LI><B>Unix</B> systems: <BR>download the most recent .tar-file with sources,
52 the graphical interface Xspin, documentation and examples from the <A
53 href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Src/index.html">Spin Distribution</A>, and
54 continue at <A href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Man/README.html#S1a"><FONT
55 color=red><B><TT>Step 2a</TT></B></FONT></A>.</LI>
56 <p></p>
57 <LI><B>PCs</B> (Windows95/98/2000/NT/XP): <BR>download the most recent
58 pc_spin*.zip file, with a precompiled Spin executable, the graphical interface
59 Xspin, and some examples from the <A
60 href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Src/index.html">Spin Distribution</A>, and
61 continue at <A href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Man/README.html#S1b"><FONT
62 color=red><B><TT>Step 2b</TT></B></FONT></A>. </LI>
63 <p></p>
64 <LI><B>Macs</B> (Mac OS X): <BR>download the most recent .tar-file with sources,
65 from the <A href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Src/index.html">Spin Distribution</A>,
66 and continue at <A href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Man/README.html#S1c"><FONT
67 color=red><B><TT>Step 2c</TT></B></FONT></A>.
68 </LI></ul>
72<H2><TT><A name=S1>2. Installing Spin</A></TT></H2>
74 <LI><A href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Man/README.html#S1a"><TT>Unix/Linux
75 systems</TT> (compiled from the sources)</A>
76 <LI><A href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Man/README.html#S1b"><TT>Windows
77 PC's</TT> (using the executable)</A> </LI>
78 <LI><A href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Man/README.html#S1c"><TT>Macs
79 </TT> (compiled from the sources, with some patches)</A> </LI></ul><p>
82<H2><TT><A name=S1a><FONT color=red>2a. Installing Spin on a Unix/Linux
84<ul>Place the *.tar.gz file from the <A
85 href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Src/index.html">Spin Source Distribution</A> in
86 clean directory, and cd to that directory. If you have a standard Unix/Linux system,
87 unpack the archive, and compile an executable, for instance as follows: <pre> gunzip *.tar.gz
88 tar -xf *.tar
89 cd Src*
90 make # or, on older distributions: make -f make_unix
92 <p>If you are on a SOLARIS system, edit the makefile and add
93 <TT>-DSOLARIS</TT> to the compiler directives in the makefile before you type
94 'make'. Similarly, if you use a different C compiler than defined in the
95 makefile, edit the makefile first. You need to have at least a C compiler and
96 a copy of yacc.
97 <p>If all else fails, you can also compile everything with the following line:
98<pre> yacc -v -d spin.y; cc -o spin *.c
100 <p>Spin should compile without warnings. Install the executable version of
101 spin in a directory that is within your default search path (such as your home
102 bin directory, or /usr/local/bin etc.)
103 <p>
104 On Unix/Linux systems Spin assumes that the standard C preprocessor cpp is
105 stored in file "/lib/cpp". On some systems this is different: check the
106 comments in the makefile for details if you run into this problem.
108 <H3><TT>Testing</TT></H3>To test the basic sanity of the Spin executable, cd
109 to the Test directory that was created when you unpacked the source archive,
110 and follow the instructions in README.tests file that is included there.
111 <H3><TT>Adding Xspin (Unix/Linux)</TT></H3>Xspin is an optional, but highly
112 recommended, graphical user interface to Spin, written in Tcl/Tk. To obtain
113 Tcl/Tk, see <A href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Man/README.html#S3">Related
114 software</A>. The Xspin source can be found the Xspin4.? directory that will
115 also have been created when you unpacked the source tarfile.
116 <p>The current version of Xspin is compatible with
117<pre> Tk version 4.2 - Tcl version 7.6
118 Tk version 8.4 - Tcl version 8.4
120 <p>Xspin prints the version numbers of Spin, Xspin, and Tcl/Tk when it starts
121 up. You can also check separately which version of Tcl/Tk you have installed
122 by executing the following commands in `wish' (a Tcl/Tk command): <pre> info tclversion
123 puts $tk_version
124</pre>You can find out which version of Spin you have by typing, at the
125 command prompt: <pre> $ spin -V
127 <p>Xspin can also make use the graph layout program 'dot' if it is available
128 on your system (not required, but very nice if available -- xspin will
129 automatically recognize if it is installed.) For information on 'dot,' see <A
130 href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Man/README.html#S3">Related software</A>.
131 <p>To install Xspin on Unix/Linux:
132 <ul>
133 <LI>cd to directory Xspin... from the distribution,
134 <LI>Rename xspin*.tcl into a more convenient form (like xspin or xspin.tcl)
135 and follow the instructions at the top of this xspin.tcl file. Minimally:
136 you must change the first few lines of this file to point to the executable
137 `wish' command on your system that you want to use. If you use another
138 C-compiler than the default (gcc), you should update the global variable CC
139 inside xspin as well. Follow the instructions inside the xspin.tcl file to
140 do so.
141 <LI>copy the file into a directory within your search path, renamed to plain <tt>xspin</tt>
142and make it
143 executable, for instance:
144<pre> cp xspin510.tcl /usr/local/bin/xspin
145 chmod +x /usr/local/bin/xspin
147 <LI>On Unix/Linux, invoke the program by typing
148<pre> xspin # or xspin.tcl if you keep the extension...
150 xspin promela_spec
152For example:
153 cd Test
154 xspin leader
155</pre></LI></ul>Check the online Help menus in xspin for more details on
156 routine use. </ul>
160<H2><TT><A name=S1b><FONT color=red>2b. Installing Spin on a Windows
162<ul>If you just need to update the Spin executable itself, download a new
163 version from <A
164 href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Bin/index.html">http://spinroot.com/spin/Bin/index.html</A>
165 If you need more files, e.g. a new copy of Xspin, download the latest
166 pc_spin*.zip file from <A
167 href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Src/index.html">http://spinroot.com/spin/Src/index.html</A>
168 Extract the files from pc_spin*.zip, and copy spin*.exe, renamed spin.exe, into the directory
169 where all your commands reside and that is within your default search path
170 (e.g., c:/cygwin/bin/, or c:\apps\spin\) You can find out what your search
171 path is set to by typing 'set' at an MS-DOS prompt -- this prints a list of
172 all defined variables in your environment, including the search path that is
173 used to find executable commands.
174 (Note that you may need to set the search path in the environment variables)
175 <p>If you use Spin from the command line (i.e., without Xspin), be warned that
176 some command shells, e.g., the MKS Korn-shell, have none-standard rules for
177 argument parsing (i.e., you can not reliably quote an argument that contains
178 spaces, such as an LTL formula). In most cases this will not be much of a
179 problem, except with the conversion of LTL formula with the Spin -f option.
180 You can circumvent this by using -F instead of -f, to read the formula from a
181 file instead of the command line.
182 <p>To run Spin, also with the precompiled version, you need a working
183 C-compiler and a C-preprocessor, because Spin generates its model checking
184 software as C-source files that require compilation before a verification can
185 be performed. This guarantees fast model checking, because each model checker
186 can be optimized to the specific model being checked. Check, for instance, if
187 you can compile and run a minimal C program succesfully, e.g.:
189 #include &#60;stdio.h&#62;
190 int main(void) { printf("hello\n"); }
192 <p>To find a public version of a C compiler and some instructions on how to
193 install it see <A href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Man/README.html#S3">Related
194 software</A>.
195 <H3><TT>Adding Xspin (PC)</TT></H3>To run Xspin on a PC, you need the PC
196 version of Tcl/Tk, which you can find under <A
197 href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Man/README.html#S3">Related software</A>.
198 <p>The xspin*.tcl source is contained in the .zip file of the <A
199 href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Src/index.html">distribution</A>. Copy the .tcl
200 file as is into a directory where you plan to work, or put a shortcut to this
201 file on the Desktop or in the Start Menu. If you keep the extension .tcl, make
202 sure it is recognized as a 'wish' file by the system, so that xspin starts
203 when you double click the xspin*.tcl script.
204 <p>Under cygwin, copy the xspin*.tcl file to /bin/xspin and make it executable
205 -- check the first few lines of xspin*.tcl to make sure the location of xspin
206 matches what you have on your system (it is currently setup for
207 c:/cygwin/bin/xspin). You can now use xspin as a normal Unix-style command,
208 and you can pass the name of a filename to it, for instance as: <pre> xspin leader
210 <p>An indirect way to force xspin to startup is to first start `wish' from the
211 Start Menu, under Programs, then select the larger window that comes up (the
212 command window), and cd to the directory where you've stored the xspin.tcl
213 file. Then you can then start it up by typing: <pre> source xspin.tcl # or whatever else you've named this
214</pre>and you should be up and running.
215 <p>The PC installation assumes that you have a command called "cpp.exe"
216 available (which comes with the gnu-c installation), which is the traditional
217 name of the C preprocessor. Alternatively, it can also use the Visual C++
218 compiler, which is named cl.exe for preprocessing. To complicate your life
219 somewhat, if you have a copy of the Borland C++ compiler installed, you'll
220 notice that this cplusplus compiler was also named cpp.exe -- that's not the
221 cpp you want. To avoid the name clash, you either have to edit the Spin source
222 code to give it the full path name of the 'real' cpp.exe and recompile, or use
223 Spin with the command-line option -Pxxxx where xxxx is the path for cpp.exe.
224 Nothing much in Spin will work without access to cpp.exe. You can do a
225 reasonable number of things without gcc.exe though (like simulations). The
226 C-compiler is required for all verifications and for the automata views in
227 Xspin. </p></ul>
229<H2><TT><A name=S1c><FONT color=red>2c. Installing Spin on a Mac</FONT></A></TT></H2>
230 <ul>
231 Compile Spin from its sources, as described under 2a for Unix systems in general,
232 while following the suggestions below, which were provided by
233 Dominik Brettnacher, email: <tt>domi@saargate.de</tt>.
235The C preprocessor on Mac OS X cannot be found in <tt>/lib</tt>.
236Change the path in the makefile for the
237proper location (<tt>/usr/bin/cpp</tt>), and in addition
238also tell the Mac preprocessor to handle its input as
240This can be done by adding a flag to cpp, for instance in
241the makefile by adding the directive
244-DCPP="\"/usr/bin/cpp -xassembler-with-cpp\""
247to the definition of <tt>CFLAGS</tt>.
250<H3><TT>Adding Xspin (Unix)</TT></H3>
251On the Mac, Xspin is known to work correctly with Tcl/Tk Aqua,
252which offers a self-contained binary distribution for the Mac.
253Use, for instance, "TclTkAquaStandalone", version 8.4.4 from
255<pre><a href="http://www.maths.mq.edu.au/~steffen/tcltk/TclTkAqua/">http://www.maths.mq.edu.au/~steffen/tcltk/TclTkAqua/</a>
259Xspin by default places its temporary files into the root directory.
260This is nasty if you have admin privileges and probably leads to error
261messages if you don't.
262To prevent this, add a "cd" statement to xspin (no arguments, just cd by
263itself on a line), as the first command executed.
264Place it, for instance, directly after the opening comments in the file.
265This makes Xspin use the home directory for these files.
267TclTk Aqua also provides the possibility to start a script when being run.
268For instance, to make Xspin start if you launch the TCL interpreter:
269move the xspin file into the "Wish Shell.app", as follows:
271chmod -R u+w Wish\ Shell.app
272mkdir Wish\ Shell.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts
273mv xspin*.tcl Wish\ Shell.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts/AppMain.tcl
280<H2><TT><A name=S3>3. Related Software</A></TT></H2>
281<ul>Pointers to public domain versions of some related software packages are
282 discussed below:
283 <ul>
284 <LI>Gcc,</LI>
285 <LI>Cpp,</LI>
286 <LI>Yacc,</LI>
287 <LI>Tcl/Tk wish,</LI>
288 <LI>Dot,</LI>
289 <LI>JSpin, and</LI>
290 <LI>Ltl2Ba. </LI></ul>
291 <H3><TT>GCC</TT></H3>On Unix/Linux you probably have gcc, or an equivalent,
292 installed. On the PC you need either a copy of Visual Studio Express (for the cl
293 command), or an installation of gcc with minimally the executables: gcc.exe,
294 and cpp.exe in your search path, together with all the standard C library
295 routines and header files. You can get good free version of all these files
296 with the <TT>cygwin</TT> toolkit, which is mostly self-installing and
297 available from: <A href="http://www.cygwin.com/">http://www.cygwin.com/</A>
298 <BR>See also what's available in <A
299 href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Bin/index.html">http://spinroot.com/spin/Bin/index.html</A>.
301 <H3><TT>Tcl/Tk Wish</TT></H3>To run Xspin you'll need Tcl/Tk. Tcl/Tk was
302 written by John Ousterhout (john.ousterhout@eng.sun.com) and is public domain.
303 It can be obtained (for PCs or Unix) from cygwin, or from: <A
304 href="http://www.tcl.tk/">http://www.tcl.tk/</A> or also (a more recent extension):
305 <a href="http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActiveTcl/">
306 http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActiveTcl/</a><BR>More details can be found
307 in netnews-group: comp.lang.tcl
309 <H3><TT>Yacc (optional)</TT></H3>To compile Spin itself from its sources on a
310 PC, you'll need to have a copy of yacc installed. A public domain version for
311 a PC can most easily be obtained from <b>cygwin</b>, or also from:
312<pre> <A href="ftp://ftp.cs.berkeley.edu/ucb/4bsd/byacc.tar.Z">ftp://ftp.cs.berkeley.edu/ucb/4bsd/byacc.tar.Z</A>
313</pre>A copy of this file is also available in: <A
314 href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Bin/index.html">http://spinroot.com/spin/Bin/index.html</A>
315 (You don't need yacc on the PC's if you use the pre-compiled version of Spin
316 for the pc in the pc*.zip file from the distribution) Look at the file
317 make_it.bat for an example on how to perform the compilation.
318 <H3><TT>Dot (optional)</TT></H3>Dot is a graph layout tool developed by
319 Stephen North and colleagues at AT&amp;T (email: north@research.att.com).
320 Xspin can make use of dot to beautify the layout of the state-machines in the
321 automata-view option (recommended!).
322To obtain Dot, see
324 <A href="http://www.graphviz.org/">http://www.graphviz.org/</A>
326The are both PC and Unix versions of dot available. For documentation of
327dot see, for instance:
328<pre><I> A technique for drawing directed graphs</I>,
329 by Gansner, Koutsofios, North and Vo,
330 IEEE-TSE, March, 1993.
332If you accept the default installation on a PC, you will need to define the
333location of dot.exe in the xspin source as follows:
335 set DOT "C:/Program\\ Files\ATT\Graphviz/bin/dot.exe"
337(the line that sets the location of DOT appears near the top of the xspin.tcl file).
338<H3><TT>JSpin (optional)</TT></H3>
339An alternative to the Xspin GUI, written in Java instead of Tcl/Tk.
340Written by Moti Ben-Ari (moti.ben-ari@weizmann.ac.il), see
342 <a href="http://stwww.weizmann.ac.il/g-cs/benari/jspin/">http://stwww.weizmann.ac.il/g-cs/benari/jspin/</a>
344The jSpin tool currently expects spin to be installed on Windows in c:/spin/spin.exe, and it assumes that you are using the
345mingw version of gcc.
346 <H3><TT>Ltl2Ba (optional)</TT></H3>A faster method to generate very small
347 never claims from LTL formulae, developed by Denis Oddoux and Paul Gastin is
348 available online in source form:
350 <A href="http://spinroot.com/spin/Src/ltl2ba.tar.gz">http://spinroot.com/spin/Src/ltl2ba.tar.gz</A>
352The latest version can be obtained from the authors website via:
354 <A href="http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~gastin/ltl2ba/download.php">http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~gastin/ltl2ba/download.php</A>
355See also
356 <A href="http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~gastin/ltl2ba/index.php">http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~gastin/ltl2ba/index.php</A>
358The C source code can be linked with Spin, or run as a standalone tool.
363<TABLE cols=3 width="100%">
365<TD align=left><A href="http://spinroot.com/spin/whatispin.html"><TT>Spin HomePage</TT></A></TD>
367<TD align=right><FONT size=3><B><TT>
368(Page Last Updated: 26 April 2008)
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