add formal verif
[lttv.git] / trunk / verif / Spin / Doc / Book.Ch6.add
0b55f123 1An appendix to Chapter 6 of the book: some extra explanation on pid's
2and on temporal claims. Updated for Spin Version 2.0 - January 1995.
6In Spin 2.0 and later the never claim can refer to the control state
7of any process, but not to their local variables.
8This functionality is meant to be used for building correctness assertions
9with never claims. It should never be used for anything else.
10An example is
11 Receiver[pid]@place
12where `place' the name of a label within `proctype Receiver,' and
13`pid' is the value returned by the run statement that instantiated the
14copy of the Receiver proctype that we are interested in.
16There is a misleading suggestion in the book that says that you can
17usually guess the `pid's. Wiser is to always use the explicit value
18returned by the `run()' statement that instantiated the proces.
19Processes started with the `active' prefix obtain instantiation
20numbers starting at value 1, in the order in which they appear in the
21specification. Each process also has a local variable _pid that
22holds its own instantiation number.
26The body of a temporal claim is defined just like PROMELA proctype bodies.
27This means that all control flow structures, such as if-fi selections,
28do-od repetitions, and goto jumps, are allowed.
29There is, however, one important difference:
31 Every statement inside a temporal claim is (interpreted as) a condition.
32 A never claim should therefore never contain statements that can
33 have side-effects (assignments, communications, run-statements, etc.)
35Temporal claims are used to express behaviors that are considered undesirable
36or illegal. We say that a temporal claim is `matched' if the undesirable
37behavior can be realized, and thus the claim violated.
39The recommended use of a temporal claim is in combination with acceptance labels.
40There are two ways to `match' a temporal claim, depending on whether the
41undesirable behavior defines a terminating or a cyclic execution sequence.
43o A temporal claim is matched when it terminates (reaches its closing curly brace).
44 That is, the claim can be violated if the closing curly brace of the PROMELA
45 body of the claim is reachable for at least one execution sequence.
47o For a cyclic execution sequence, the claim is matched only when an explicit
48 acceptance cycle exists. The acceptance labels within temporal claims
49 are user defined, there are no defaults. This means that in the absence of
50 acceptance labels no cyclic behavior can be matched by a temporal claim.
51 It also means that to check a cyclic temporal claim, acceptance labels should
52 only occur within the claim and not elsewhere in the PROMELA code.
57The normal system behavior of a PROMELA system is defined as the
58`asynchronous product' of the behaviors of the individual processes.
59Given an arbitrary system state, its successor states are obtained
60in two steps. In the first step all the executable (atomic) statements in the
61individual processes are identified. In the second step, each one of these
62statements is executed.
63Each single execution produces a successor state in the asynchronous product.
64The complete system behavior is thus defined recursively and
65represents all possible interleavings of the individual process behaviors.
66Call this asynchronous product machine the `global machine'.
68The addition of a temporal claim defines an additional `synchronous product'
69of this global machine with the state machine that defines the temporal
70claim. Call the latter machine the `claim machine', and call the new
71synchronous product the `labeled machine'.
73Every state in the labeled machine is a pair (p,q) with p a state in the global
74machine and q a state in the claim machine. Every transition in the labeled
75machine is similarly defined by a pair (r,s) with r a transition in the global
76machine and s a transition in the claim machine.
77In other words, every transition in the `synchronous' product is a joint move
78of the global machine and the claim machine.
79(By contrast, every transition in an `asynchronous' product would correspond
80to a single transition in either the global machine or the claim machine, thus
81interleaving transitions instead of combining them.)
83Since all statements in the claim machine are boolean propositions, the second
84half of the transition pair (r,s) is either true or false.
85Call all transitions where this proposition is true `matching transitions'.
86In a matching transition proposition s evaluates to true in state system state r.
87Notice that the claim machine has at least one stop state E, the state
88at the closing curly brace of the claim body.
90The semantics of temporal claims can now be summed up as follows.
92o If the labeled machine contains any sequence of matching transitions only,
93 that connects its initial state with a state (p,E) for any p, the temporal
94 claim can be matched by a terminating sequence (a correctness violation).
96o If the labeled machine contains any cycle of matching transitions only, that
97 passes through an acceptance state, the temporal claim can be matched by a
98 cyclic sequence.
103Listed below are the equivalent PROMELA definitions for the three basic
104temporal properties defined by Zohar Manna & Amir Pnueli in
105``Tools and Rules for the Practicing Verifier'' Stanford University,
106Report STAN-CS-90-1321, July 1990, 34 pgs.
108The following descriptions are quoted from Manna & Pnueli:
110 ``There are three classes of properties we [...] believe to cover
111 the majority of properties one would ever wish to verify.''
113 1. Invariance
114 ``An invariance property refers to an assertion p, and requires that p
115 is an invariant over all the computations of a program P, i.e. all
116 the states arising in a computation of P satisfy p. In temporal
117 logic notation, such properties are expressed by [] p, for a state
118 formula p.''
120 Corresponding Temporal Claim in PROMELA:
121 never {
122 do
123 :: p
124 :: !p -> break
125 od
126 }
128 2. Response
129 ``A response property refers to two assertions p and q, and
130 requires that every p-state (a state satisfying p) arising in
131 a computation is eventually followed by a q-state.
132 In temporal logic notation this is written as p -> <> q.''
134 Corresponding Temporal Claim in PROMELA:
135 never {
136 do
137 :: true
138 :: p && !q -> break
139 od;
140 accept:
141 do
142 :: !q
143 od
144 }
146 Note that using (!p || q) instead of `skip' would check only the
147 first occurrence of p becoming true while q is false.
148 The above formalization checks for all occurrences, also future ones.
149 Strictly seen, therefore, the claim above uses a common interpretation
150 of the formula, requiring it to hold always, or: [] { p -> <> q }
152 3. Precedence
153 ``A simple precedence property refers to three assertions p, q, and r.
154 It requires that any p-state initiates a q-interval (i.e. an interval
155 all of whose states satisfy q) which, either runs to the end of the
156 computation, or is terminated by an r-state.
157 Such a property is useful to express the restriction that, following
158 a certain condition, one future event will always be preceded by
159 another future event.
160 For example, it may express the property that, from the time a certain
161 input has arrived, there will be an output before the next input.
162 Note that this does not guarantee [require] that the output will actually
163 be produced. It only guarantees [requires] that the next input (if any)
164 will be preceded by an output. In temporal logic, this property is
165 expressed by p -> (q U r), using the unless operator (weak until) U.
167 Corresponding Temporal Claim in PROMELA:
169 never {
170 do
171 :: skip /* to match any occurrence */
172 :: p && q && !r -> break
173 :: p && !q && !r -> goto error
174 od;
175 do
176 :: q && !r
177 :: !q && !r -> break
178 od;
179 error: skip
180 }
182 Strictly again, this encodes: [] { p -> (q U r) }
183 To match just the first occurence, replace skip with (!p || r).
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